Lesya Kos
Position: Lecturer, preschool and primary education Department
Phone (office): (032) 2370953
Email: Lesya.kos@lnu.edu.ua
Research interests
Educating future preschool teachers to create communicative competence in children.
Kos L.V. The peculiarities of moral education of children and teenagers with the means of folklore in pedagogical heritage of Vasyl Sykhomlynskiy./Psycho-pedagogical ideas of V.O. Sykhomlynskiy of educational process/ collection of scientific seminar at psychology faculty LvivDUVS, November, 27, 2013//edited by Y.R.Surmiak. Lviv: Liga Press,2014. 174 p.
Kos L.V. Linguodidactics conception of K.D.Ushinskiy./ Konstiantin Ushinskiy [text]: scientific works/ editor D.Hertsyk, P.Sikorskiy. – Lviv: SPOLOM, 214. – 210 p. – (Series: Outstanding Ukrainian pedagogues, checked VI)
Kos L.V. Taras Shevchenko in modern Ukrainian preschool linguodidactics./ Taras Shevchenko: Apostle of truth and science: materials of an international scientific conference. – Lviv: LNU Ivan Franko, 2015. – 584 p.
Lviv Pedagogical College № 1, Preschool education faculty (1978)
Diploma of a specialist:
Rovno State Pedagogical Institute of D.Z.Manuilskyi, speciality “Pedagogy and psychology (preschool), qualification – a teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology, supervisor of preschool education (1999)
Preschool educational establishment № 85 Lviv – preschool teacher
Lviv Pedagogical College № 1 – since 1983, assistant
Lviv Pedagogical College № 1 – since 1986, a teacher
Lviv Pedagogical College № 1 – since 1995 the head of Preschool department, a teacher.
Lviv Pedagogical College of Lviv Ivan Franko National University – the head of Preschool education department, a teacher since 1999.
The department of preschool and primary school education of pedagogical faculty of Lviv Ivan Franko National University – teaching assistant since 2015 (part-time)
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