Genesis of social work
Type: Normative
Department: social pedagogy and social work
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
2 | 4 | Exam |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
2 | 32 | Associate Professor MARTIROSIAN Lesia |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
2 | 16 | Verkholiak M. R. |
Course description
The discipline “Genesis of social work” is intended for the second-year students of the first bachelor’s level. The subject of study of the academic discipline is: the process of the development of social work as a social and professional practice of social support and assistance from ancient times to the present.
The purpose of teaching the academic discipline is: formation of students’ knowledge about the peculiarities of the evolution of forms, methods and means of social support that have developed historically and their transformation into social work as a type of professional activity; basic models of social work; relationship of social work, social policy and social pedagogy in Western European countries and in Ukraine.
The program of the academic discipline consists of the following content modules:
Content module 1. The genesis of historical forms of the practice of social support and assistance in the countries of Western Europe.
Content module 2. Genesis of historical forms of social support and assistance in Ukraine.
Recommended Literature
- Glazunov S. V. Essays on the history of social work : educational publication. Dnipropetrovs’k : RVV DNU, 2015. 116 p.
- Gorily A. G. History of social work : educational guide. Ternopil : Aston, 2004. 174 р.
- History of social work : educational guide / compiled by. O. O Kravchenko, O. O Matros ; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, P. Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. 3rd ed. supplemented and revised. Uman : Vizavi, 2018. 185 р.
- History, theory and practice of social work in Ukraine : educational guide for students of higher educational institutions / compiled by. S. Y. Marchenko, M. S. Kratinov, L. Ts. Vakhovsky, O. P. Pesotska, V. O. Kratinova, O. L. Karaman. Luhansk : Alma Mater, 2005. 408 р.
- Kubitskyi S. O. History of social work in foreign countries : educational guide. Kyiv : DAKKKiM, 2009. 298 р.
- Polishchuk V., Yankovych O. І. History of social pedagogy and social work : course of lectures. Ternopil, 2009. 256 р.
- Savitsky V. Genesis of charity in Ukraine (Methodology of the history of social work in Ukraine) : educational guide for students of higher educational institutions / National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Kyiv : NTUU “KPI”, 2007. 136 р.
- Theory and history of social work : educational guide / compiled by. O. O. Matros ; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, P. Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Uman : Vizavi, 2020. 244 р.
- Tykholoz V. V. History of social work : educational and methodological guide for students of the specialty “Social Work” / B. Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University, Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogical Education, Social Work and Art, Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy. Cherkasy : B. Khmelnytsky ChNU, 2014. 407 р.
- Furman A. V., Pidgurska M. V. History of social work : handbook. Kyiv : Academy, 2018. 160 р.