- Courses taught in English
- Освітньо-професійна програма “Соціальна педагогіка”, 231 бакалаври, 2022 р.
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- Sitemap
- Department of of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Higher Education
- Department of physical education and sport
- Department of preschool and primary education
- Department of social pedagogy and social work
- Department of special pedagogy
- Educational and scientific laboratory of the New Ukrainian School Laboratory
- scientific and educational laboratory of museum pedagogy Laboratory
- Araznepes Tuvakov
- Olha Bilyakovska
- Halyna Boiko
- Olena Bushchak
- Yuliya Derkach
- Liliya Drobit
- Wolodymyra Fedyna-Darmohval
- Olena Halian
- Olha Haliuka
- Yaroslava Harasymiv
- Dmytro Hertsyuk
- Dmytro Hertsyuk
- Nataliya Horuk
- Iryna Kushnir
- Khrystyna Kalagurka
- Oleksiy Karamanov
- Liudmyla Kobyletska
- Vira Korniat
- Vira Korniat
- Lesya Kos
- Svitlana Kost
- Larysa Kovalchuk
- Oksana Kovalyshyn
- Halyna Krokhmalna
- Mariia Kryva
- Olena Kvas
- Larysa Horlova
- Teodor Leshchak
- Lidiya Bitkivska
- Liliya Levkiv
- Viktoriya Loboda
- Svitlana Lozynska
- Olena Lushchynska
- Lyubov Bentsak
- Nataliia Machynska
- Alla Marchuk
- Lesia Martirosian
- Oleh Martyniv
- Mykhailo Matkovsky
- Yuriy Matviyenko
- Iryna Myshchyshyn
- Tetyana Nezhurа
- Liubov Nos
- Nadia Novoselska
- Oksana Pavlyshyn
- Oksana Shukatka
- Olha Fert
- Anastasiia Perha
- Halyna Podanovska
- Marta Prots
- Halyna Pyatakova
- Uliana Pyrih
- Roman Bentsak
- Nadiia Rostykus
- Iryna Savka
- Наталія Семенів
- Mariia-Tereza Sholovii
- Марія-Тереза Шоловій
- Anna Sobchuk
- Mariya Stakhiv
- Stepan Matula
- Olha Stoliaryk
- Olha Sydorovych
- Olga Tabaka
- Svitlana Tsiura
- Olesya Tsymbala
- Bohdanna Turko
- Mariia Verkholiak
- Nataliia Vinarchuk
- Anna Voitovych
- Oksana Anastazia Wynnyckyj-Yusypovych
- Nataliya Yaremchuk
- Yuriy Yaremchuk
- Yuliia Zadunaiska
- Nadiia Zayachkivska
- Yuliya Zayachuk
- Ihor Bushchak
- Kateryna Ostrovska
- Ihor Ostrovskyi
- Roksolana Pryzvanska
- Roksoliana Pryzvanska
- Iryna Salo
- Lesiya Sikorska
- Неля Сірант
- Iryna Subashkevych
- Ivan Suliatytskyi
- Zoriana Falynska
Educational courses
- “Організація персонального середовища навчання у середній та вищій школі”
- Actual problems of preschool education (012 Preschool education)
- Age and Pedagogical Psychology (013 Primary Education)
- Art – therapy in education
- Basics of health with teaching methods 013
- Basics of social and legal protection of the individual (231B – Social work)
- Basics of Social Culture and Pedagogical Ethics (integrated course)
- Basics of visual arts with guidance methodology (012 “Preschool education”)
- Children’s psychology
- Computer science with teaching methods (013 “Primary education”)
- Computer technologies in education and science
- Courses taught in English
- Deontology of social work (231B – Social work)
- Development and provision of social services in the community (231B – Social work)
- Development of Design Thinking
- Didactics and pedagogical technologies in primary school (013 “Primary education”)
- Drawing and sculpting 012
- Folklore in the education of preschoolers (012 Preschool education)
- Folklore in the education of preschoolers (012 Preschool education)
- Folklore in the education of preschoolers (012 Preschool education)
- Foreign language (English) for professional purposes
- Foreign language (English) for professional purposes
- Formation of leadership qualities of a personality (011 “Educational, pedagogical sciences”)
- Fundamentals of scientific social research (231B – Social work)
- Furthermore, I teach physical education courses for students of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies
- General Psychology (013 Primary education)
- Genesis of social work
- History of preschool pedagogy (012 “Preschool education”)
- History of preschool pedagogy (012 “Preschool education”)
- Information technology and technical learning tools
- Innovative Methods in the Activity of Inclusive Schools
- Introduction of integrated social services to vulnerable categories of the population in United Territorial Communities (UTCs) (231M – Social Work)
- Introduction to the specialty in the pedagogy fundamentals (012 “Preschool education”)
- Introduction to the specialty in the pedagogy fundamentals (013 “Primary education”)
- Know yourself: from self-discovery to realising your own resources
- Learning through play 012
- Management of social work
- Management process in modern educational institutions
- Mastery of pedagogical activity
- Methodology of competence formation in the field of art education (013 “Primary education”).
- methodology of teaching English in preschool education institutions
- Methodology of teaching the informatics field of education in primary school (013 “Primary education”)
- Methods of education in the social and health care field (013z”Primary education”)
- Methods of Teaching English
- Methods of Teaching English
- Methods of teaching Ukrainian language and reading (013 “Primary education”)
- Modern information technology in professional activities
- Modern leadership technologies (011 “Educational, pedagogical sciences”)
- Modern technologies of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines and methods of preschool education (012 Preschool education)
- Multicultural competence of the teacher
- Organization and management in the system of primary education (013 “Primary education”)
- Organization of preschool education management (012 Preschool education, educational degree “master”)
- Pedagogical anthropology
- Pedagogical creativity (013 “Primary education”)
- Pedagogical innovations in Ukraine and abroad
- Pedagogy (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics)
- Pedagogy (mechanical-mathematical Faculty)
- Pedagogy of Higher Education of the Faculty of Physics.
- Physical education
- Physical education for students of the Faculty of Geography
- physical education for students of the faculty of history
- Physical education for students of the Finance and Business Management faculty.
- Physical education for students of the Finance and Business Management faculty.
- Physical education for students of the Finance and Business Management faculty.
- Physical Education for the students of the Faculty of Biology
- Physical Education for the students of the Faculty of Economics
- Physical Education for the students of the Faculty of History
- Physical education: recreational types of gymnastics with shaping elements
- Physical training for students of the Faculty of Philosophy
- Practical course of English
- Practicum in Ukrainian language (012 Preschool education)
- Practicum in Ukrainian language (012)
- Preschool linguistic didactics
- Preschool pedagogy (012 “Preschool education”)
- Primary education technologies (013 “Primary education”)
- Professional English
- Professional English (for primary school teacher)
- Project Activity in Social and Pedagogical Spheres
- Project Management in Social Work
- Psychological and Pedagogical Principles of Interpersonal Communication and Basics of Conflict Theory
- Psychology of general, age and pedagogical (012 Preschool education)
- Rhetorics and speech culture of the pedagog (013)
- Selected Issues of Primary Education Methods (013 Primary Education)
- Self-education : how to learn to learn
- Social and pedagogical activities in educational institutions
- Social and pedagogical work with different types of families
- Social aspects of inclusion
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Social prevention of deviant behavior
- Social prevention of Internet risks
- Social psychology
- Social support for the elderly
- Social technologies of community development (231B – Social work)
- Social, pedagogical and psychological work in the community (231M – Social Work)
- Technologies of community activation and development (231M – Social Work)
- Technologies of organization of educational process in preschool institutions (012 Preschool education, educational degree “master”)
- Technologies of social work in Ukraine and in the world
- the basics of integrated learning with methodology
- The latest communicative technologies in preschool education (012)
- The latest LEGO technologies in primary school (013 “Primary Education”)
- The latest technologies for teaching professional methods of primary education (013 “Primary Education”)
- Theoretical Course of English
- Theoretical foundations of teaching methods of primary education (013 “Primary education”)
- Theory and method of forming elementary mathematical concepts 012
- Theory and methods of cooperation with families (012 Preschool education)
- Theory of social work
- Ukrainian language (by professional direction) (012 Preschool education)
- Ukrainian language (by professional direction) (016 Special pedagogy)
- Ukrainian language (by professional direction) (016 Special pedagogy)
- Ukrainian language (by professional direction) (231 Social work)
- Workshop on psychological, pedagogical and social work (in institutions) (231M – Socail Work)
- Актуальні проблеми дошкільної освіти (012 Дошкільна освіта)
- Англійська дитяча література
- Вasics of social culture and pedagogical ethics (integrated course)
- Музичне мистецтво та основи хореографії з методикою навчання
- Основи соціокультури та педагогічної етики (інтегрований курс)
- Практичний курс англійської мови ФПД (012 Дошкільна освіта)
- A series of international interactive online classes continues at the Faculty of Pedagogical Education
- Associate Professor Natalia Horuk held a series of international seminars on the education system of Ukraine
- Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogics and Pedagogics of Higher Education Dr. Yuliya Zayachuk gave a talk by the invitation of the Centre for Global Higher Education, University of Oxford, UK.
- First meeting of dear graduates
- Marty Protz was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education
- Started a special series of talks exploring Ukrainian higher education in times of war within the Global Seminars on Comparative and International Education.
- Students of Lviv University are invited to participate in the courses of Charles University (Prague)
- Theoretical foundations of teaching methods of primary education