Nadiia Rostykus

Position: Associate Professor, preschool and primary education Department, Associate Dean, факультету педагогічної освіти

Scientific degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Phone (office): 032) 239-03-22


Google Scholar profile:

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Research interests

Development of elementary school pupils’ speech. Formation and development of ABC-book studies in Ukraine.



1. Budnyk O. Printed and e-book: problems of chois of modern students of the university / O. Budnyk, T. Kachak, T.Blyznuyk, N. Rostykus, H. Boiko // Rev. Tempos Espacos. Eduk. Volume 14. Numero 33. 2021. pp. 1-10 (Web of Science)

2. Matsuk L. Features of modern university student behavior in conflict situations / L.Matsuk, O. Budnyk, H.Boiko, N.Rostykus, N.Golod, O.Nych, K.Fomin // Revista inclusiones ISSN 0719-4706 Volumen 8 – Número Especial – Enero/Marzo 2021 pp.95-105

3. Rostykus N., Boiko H. Reasoning for creating an educational training laboratory of education specialists. Information Technologies in Education (ITE). 2022. № 52.

4. Rostykus N. Osoblyvosti struktury urokiv ukrayinskoyi movy v pochatkovyx klasax [Peculiarities of the structure of Ukrainian language lessons in elementary classes] Aktualni problemy pedagogichnoyi osvity: sociokulturnyj vymir [Current problems of pedagogical education: socio-cultural dimension] / M. I. Oliynyk, N. I. Machynska, A. Yu. Voitovych [and others]. Lviv: SEE Kepeshchuk P. M., 2018. P. 294-311.
5. .Lushchynska O.V., Rostykus N.P. Vykorystannya movlennyevyx sytuacij ta interaktyvnoyi doshky na urokax rozvytku zvyaznogo movlennya [Use of speech situations and interactive whiteboard at the lessons of coherent speech development]. Visnyk Lvivskogo universytetu. Ser. Pedagogichna [Herald of Lviv University. Pedagogical series]. Lviv: I. Franko LNU, 2016. Issue. 31. P. 272-278
6. Rostykus N. Movlennyevo-komunikatyvna gotovnist ditej do navchannya ukrayinskoyi (ridnoyi) movy v pochatkovij shkoli [Speech and communicative readiness of children to learn Ukrainian (native) language in elementary school]. Girska shkola Ukrayinskyx Karpat [The Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians]. 2016. Issue 15. P. 198-202.
7. Rostykus N.P. Analiz komponentiv sytuacijnoyi dialogichnoyi diyalnosti uchniv na urokax ukrayinskoyi movy v pochatkovyx klasax [Analysis of the components of the
situational dialogue pupils’ activity at Ukrainian lessons in elementary school]. Naukovyj visnyk Donbasu [Donbass Scientific Bulletin]. 2018. no. 1 – 2.
8. Rostykus N.P. Problemy naukovogo pidxodu shhodo reformuvannya pochatkovoyi movnoyi osvity [Problems of the scientific approach to the reform of primary language education]. Visnyk Gluxivskogo nacionalnogo pedagogichnogo universytetu imeni Oleksandra Dovzhenka [An essay by Oleksandr Dovzhenko], Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University: сollection of scientific papers / editorialboard: O. I. Korkok (ed.) and others. Hlukhiv: O. Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University. 2017. Issue 33. P. 267-279.
9. Rostykus N. Działalność werbalnie-komunikacyjna uczniów młodszego wieku szkolnego w środowisku edukacyjnym i społecznym. Całożyciowe uczenie i stawanie się: perspektywa teoretczno–praktyczna / redakcja naukowa: Chabior A., Krawczyk-Blicharska М., Kowalski S. Kielce : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskieg , 2018. S. 357–364.
10. Rostykus N. Zasoby formuvannya dialogichnogo movlennya na urokax ukrayinskoyi movy v pochatkovyx klasax [Means of Dialogue Speech Formation at Ukrainian Language Lessons in Elementary Classes]. Materialy IV Mizhnarodnoyi internet-konferenciyi molodyx uchenyx i studentiv [Materials of the IV International Internet Conference of Young Scientists and Students] September 27-29, Hlukhiv: O. Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, 2016. P. 29-32.
11. Rostykus N. P. Movlennyevo-komunikatyvna gotovnist do navchannya ukrayinskoyi movy v konteksti nastupnosti doshkilnoyi ta pochatkovoyi osvity [Speech- communicative readiness for the teaching of the Ukrainian language in the context ofтthe continuity of pre-school and primary education]. Nastupnist doshkilnoyi ta pochatkovoyi osvity v konteksti socialnoyi mobilnosti [Consequence of preschool and primary education in the context of social mobility]: the theoretical and practical seminar on January 20, 2017 Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU], 2017. pp. 161-163.
12. Rostykas N.P. Navchalno-movlennyeva komunikatyvna diyalnist uchniv pochatkovyx klasiv na urokax ukrayinskoyi movy [Learning-and-speech communication activity of elementary school students at Ukrainian language lessons]. Materialy zvitnyx naukovyx konferencij fakultetu pedagogichnoyi osvity. [Materials of reporting scientific conferences of the Pedagogical Education Department]. Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU, 2017. Issue. 2. P. 39-40.
13. Rostykus N.P. Rozvytok zvyaznogo movlennya uchniv pochatkovyx klasiv zasobamy sytuatyvnyx vprav [Development of coherent speech of primary school students by means of situational exercises]. Materialy zvitnyx naukovyx konferencij fakultetu pedagogichnoyi osvity [Materials of reporting scientific conferences of the Pedagogical Education Department]. Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU, 2016. Issue 1. P. 30-33.15
14. Rostykus N.P. Sytuatyvni vpravy yak zasib formuvannya dialogichnogo movlennya molodshyx shkolyariv [Situational exercises as a means of forming the dialogic speech of junior schoolchildren]. Gluxivski naukovi chytannya – 2015. Aktualni pytannya suspilnyx ta gumanitarnyx nauk [Hlukhiv scientific readings – 2015. Topical questions of social sciences and humanities]: сollection of materials of the V International Internet Conference of Young Scientists and Students November 25-27, Hlukhiv: O. Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University. 2016. pp. 40-44.
15. Rostykus N.P. Sytuacijni vpravy v umovax realizaciyi koncepciyi Novoyi ukrayinskoyi shkoly [Situational exercises in the context of the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian school]. Zbirnyk tez III Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferenciyi [Collection of abstracts of the 3rd International Scientific nd Practical Conference]. Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU, 2018. p. 85-87.
16. Rostykus N.P. Tendenciyi stanovlennya movlennyevo-komunikatyvnoyi osobystosti molodshogo shkolyara [Trends in the formation of the speech and communicative personality of the junior schoolboy]. Materialy zvitnyx naukovyx konferencij fakultetu pedagogichnoyi osvity [Materials of the reporting scientific conferences of the Pedagogical Education Department]. Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU, 2018. Issue. 3. P. 57-59.
17. Rostykus N.P. Yak navchaty dialogy skladaty? Metodyka formuvannya dialogichnogo movlennya molodshyx shkolyariv [How to train the dialogues? Methodology of Dialogue Speech Formation for Younger Schoolchildren]. Uchytel pochatkovoyi shkoly [Elementary school teacher]. 2018. Issue. 1. P. 16-19.
18. Rostykus N. Systema vprav iz rozvytku zvyaznogo dialogichnogo movlennya molodshyx shkolyariv [System of exercises on the development of coherent dialogue speech of junior schoolchildren]. Pochatkova shkola [Elementary school]. 2018. Issue. 6. P. 20-25.
19. Rostykus N. Systema vprav iz rozvytku zvyaznogo dialogichnogo movlennya molodshyx shkolyariv. [System of exercises on the development of coherent dialogue speech of junior schoolchildren]. Pochatkova shkola. [Elementary school]. 2018. Issue.7. P. 23-28.16

20. Rostykus N. Sytuatyvni vpravy na osnovi sposterezhen sered pryrody. [Situational exercises on the basis of observations among nature]. Pochatkova shkola. [Elementary school]. 2017. Issue. 6. P. 5-9.
21. Rostykus, N.P., L’apprentissage discursive et communicative de la langue ukrainienne maternelle par les élèves de première classe. The 21st Century Callenges in Education and Sciencé: collection of lectures of scientific and pedagogical readings of young scientists, masters, students in foreign languages / for colleges. Edited by Tkachenko N. M. Sumy: SEE Tkachev O. O., 2016. Issue. 3. pp. 142-144.
22. Rostykus, N.P. Le dévelоppement de la lanowe contarte dans le conteste social de la personalité d’écolier cadet. The 21st Century Callenges in Education and Sciencé: mater V Scientific and pedagogical readings of young scientists, magistrates, students in foreign languages / for colleges. Edited by Lavrychenko N. M. Sumy: Vinnichenko M. D., 2017. Issue. 4. P. 99-101.



Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko National University in Lviv (with honors);

Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Pedagogical University in Hlukhiv.

Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education at Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Pedagogical University in Hlukhiv.

Postgraduate student at Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Pedagogical University in Hlukhiv.


Educative body “Chanysh Comprehensive Secondary School of I-II degrees – state educational institution”, elementary school teacher (2012-2015);

Yevhen Petrushevych Comprehensive Secondary School-Gymnasium of I degree at Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, elementary school teacher (2013-1015);

Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, assistant of the Elementary and Pre-school Education Department (since 2015).

Day and hours of tutorials:

Monday 15.00 – 16.00; Thursday 12.30 – 13.30.


  • Introduction to the specialty in the pedagogy fundamentals (013 “Primary education”)
  • Calligraphy (013 “Primary education”)
  • Methodology for teaching the Ukrainian language at primary school (013 “Primary education”)
  • Methodology of working with gifted children (013 “Primary education”)


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