Department of preschool and primary education

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Educational courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • News

Whatever value we would attach to education or knowledge itself,

yet the highest title of praise in our eyes will be wisdom.

Neither wealth, nor power and strength

will repay stupidity and will not replace wisdom;

without wisdom strength or meaning will  

 give the impression of some physical rare phenomenon ,

and only wisdom will be an impressive spiritual human phenomenon.

Andrey Sheptytsky

The Department of primary and preschool education began its activity in 2015. The department provides training for specialists in educational programs of specialties 012 Preschool education and 013 Primary education in full-time and part-time forms of education (educational degrees – bachelor and master).

The scientific and pedagogical potential of the department consists of: professors, associate professors, assistants, heads of educational institutions – basic branches for pedagogical practice of students and undergraduates.

          The scientific staff of the department is working on the development of scientific topics: “Ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary education in the context of educational policy of the state” (0121U110128) and “Theoretical and practical dimensions of language didactics in modern educational and information environment” (0121U110096).

In recent years, the subject oriented commission of  lecturers of disciplines of linguodidactic orientation has been formed at the department. The scientific staff provides an appropriate level of teaching of linguistic and linguodidactic subjects. The lectures work on the study of various concepts in the field of modern linguistic and methodological research.

Since September 2016, the department has opened a postgraduate course in the specialty 015 Vocational education, specialization – the theory and methods of vocational education. Postgraduate training is carried out on a full-time, evening-time and part-time basis, both on a budget basis and at the expense of individuals. In February 2021, the first defense of the dissertation research (phD) took place. It was conducted by Anzhelika Andriivna Lyubas, the graduate student of the Department.

         The lecturers  of the department are engaged in research, development and improvement of educational and methodological  manuals and visual support; preparation of textbooks, scientific and scientific-methodical publications on the problems of preschool and primary education; studies of the current state and trends in the development of language didactics of primary education, basic secondary education and higher pedagogical education; development of content and development of methodological systems for teaching linguistic disciplines.

The lecturers of the department are opponents of doctoral and candidate dissertations, work on dissertation research, prepare reviews of abstracts, reviews of scientific and methodological works, participate in conducting and taking part of scientific conferences, seminars of various levels.The students of the department take part in Ukrainian student Olympiads and competitions of student research works.

          During the existence  of the department the following was organized:

– two International scientific-practical conferences “Actual problems of primary education and inclusive education in the light of European integration” (2015, 2016) within the work plan of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education;

  • six students’ thematic conferences “Modern views and current issues of pedagogical education” (March 2016, March 2017, March 2018, March 2019, March 2020) (online), March 2021 (online) (based on the conference materials the issues of abstracts were published));
  • students’ competitions within the Faculty of Pedagogical Education;

– An annual issue  of students’ research papers “Educational Almanac” is published, where students and masters of various educational institutions publish their first scientific publications.

The department regularly holds theoretical and methodological seminars, organizes meetings, round tables, workshops with educators of preschool institutions and primary school teachers in the context of discussing current scientific, theoretical and practical problems of preschool and primary education. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department closely cooperates with the relevant departments and faculties of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Khmelnytskyi Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.


ChairpersonNataliia MachynskaChairperson
ProfessorOlena HalianProfessor
Associate ProfessorHalyna BoikoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYuliya DerkachAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLiudmyla KobyletskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorSvitlana KostAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorHalyna KrokhmalnaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorSvitlana LozynskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlena LushchynskaAssociate Professor
Associate Professor (by-worker)Liubov NosAssociate Professor (by-worker)
Associate Professor, Associate Professor (by-worker)Nadia NovoselskaAssociate Professor, Associate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorHalyna PodanovskaAssociate Professor
Associate Professor, Associate Professor (by-worker)Marta ProtsAssociate Professor, Associate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorNadiia RostykusAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMariya StakhivAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorAnna VoitovychAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNataliya YaremchukAssociate Professor
LecturerIhor BushchakLecturer
LecturerOlha HaliukaLecturer
LecturerYaroslava HarasymivLecturer
LecturerLesya KosLecturer
LecturerTetyana NezhurаLecturer
LecturerMariia-Tereza SholoviiLecturer
LecturerAnna SobchukLecturer
Lecturer, Lecturer (by-worker)Olga TabakaLecturer, Lecturer (by-worker)
LecturerOksana Anastazia Wynnyckyj-YusypovychLecturer
LecturerYuliia ZadunaiskaLecturer

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

5 year

6 year

Lecturers' schedule

Started a special series of talks exploring Ukrainian higher education in times of war within the Global Seminars on Comparative and International Education.

07.02.2024 | 15:25

On January 24, at the Department of Education, University of Oxford, on UNESCO’s International Day of Education, with this year’s theme of “learning for lasting peace”, we started a special series of talks exploring Ukrainian higher education in times of war within the Global Seminars on Comparative and International Education.
I thank Dr Maia Chankseliani, Associate Professor at the University of Oxford, convenor of the Global Public Seminars on Comparative and International Education, and academic mentor of my research project at...

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Students of Lviv University are invited to participate in the courses of Charles University (Prague)

06.02.2023 | 21:40

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Charles University in Prague are committed to intensifying cooperation at all structural levels. The universities have not only become partners in the Eastern Partnership Cluster University initiative but have also taken organizational steps to find common ground in teaching and research at the departmental level.
On the part of Charles University, the Department Pre-primary and Primary Education Department is interested in the work of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education at Ivan Franko...

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Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogics and Pedagogics of Higher Education Dr. Yuliya Zayachuk gave a talk by the invitation of the Centre for Global Higher Education, University of Oxford, UK.

27.11.2022 | 11:10

Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogics and Pedagogics of Higher Education Dr. Yuliya Zayachuk gave a talk on Higher education in Ukraine: challenges and responses by the invitation of the Centre for Global Higher Education, University of Oxford, UK.
On November 22, 2022, Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogics and Pedagogics of Higher Education Dr. Yuliya Zayachuk, gave a talk on Higher education in Ukraine: challenges and responses by the invitation of the Centre for Global...

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First meeting of dear graduates

20.06.2022 | 10:04

18.06.2022 was our first meeting of dear graduates started a wonderful tradition and imprinted an unchanging date – the third Saturday of June! ✨
Graduates, teachers, advisers, heads of departments and the administration of the dean’s office had the opportunity to recall how it was then, what has changed now, planned new meetings.
The dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Associate Professor Dmytro Hertsyuk, Head of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education, Professor Natalia Machynska, Head of the Department of...

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