Theory and methods of cooperation with families (012 Preschool education)

Type: For the student's choice

Department: preschool and primary education




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)

Course description

1. Requirements of the educational program

The study of the academic discipline “Theory and methods of cooperation with families” involves mastering the following skills:

a) general competencies: the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; ability to plan and manage time; knowledge and understanding of the subject field and understanding of the profession; the ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives); the ability to learn and master modern knowledge;

b) professional competences: control; prognostic; diagnostic; research; informative

Program learning outcomes: search, analyze and synthesize information from various sources to solve specialty tasks, reproduce facts (dates, events, principles and laws of social development), establish cause-and-effect relationships between events, phenomena, draw conclusions, argue your thoughts.

2. Expected learning outcomes

After mastering this academic discipline, the student will: search, analyze and summarize information on the content and forms of cooperation of preschool education institutions with families, compare the features of social and family education, understand the role of the family in child development; to know the principles of organizing cooperation with families of pupils; to study the progressive domestic and foreign experience on issues of interaction between preschool education institutions and the family, to identify problems of modern family education, cooperation between preschool education and the family, which require research; to be able to determine the connection between the styles of family upbringing and the features of the child’s mental development; to plan a system of work with the parents of pupils taking into account the results of studying the peculiarities of the family situation, the dominant pedagogical influences on the child, the pedagogical potential of a specific family; implement a differentiated and individual approach to each family; choose effective forms of cooperation with parents and predict their effectiveness; to monitor (control) the effectiveness of the system of cooperation between the family and the family.

Recommended Literature

Basic literature

The interaction of the DZ and the family / comp. O. Rudik, I. Molodushkina. Kharkiv: Ed. group “Osnova”, 2013. 222 p.
Kuzminsky A., Omelyanenko V. Pedagogy of family education: teaching. book. Kyiv: Znannia, 2006. 324 p.
Education and training of parents, family members: a practical guide / T. Kotyrlo, D. Shcherbyna. Kyiv: Ivan Zyazyun IPOOD of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019. 219 p.
Tovkach I. I want to be a mother, I want to be a father: educational and method. book. Kyiv: Publishing House Slovo, 2012. 368 p.

Shapovalova O. The role of the family in preschool education: theory and practice: teaching. book. Sumy: Ed.-publisher. department of A.S. Makarenko SumDPU, 2019. 225 p.

Supporting literature

Halytska T. Interaction of the preschool education institution with the family: modern approaches. Preschool educational institution. 2018. No. 11. P. 11-13.
Halian O. Family counseling. Drohobych: Editor-publisher DDPU, 2012. 60 p.
Golota N. Underwater reefs of education. Preschool: a magazine for loving parents, teachers, psychologists. 2010. No. 3(15). P. 8-10.
Horbenko N. Interaction of preschool education institutions with parents – cooperation for the sake of the future (bibliographic review). URL:

Guz V., Zheynova S., Tagan L. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of effective interaction of the preschool institution with the family. Youth and the market. 2018. No. 3. P. 27-30.
Dolynna O., Nyzkovska O. Parents in preschool: consumers and guests or like-minded partners? Preschool education. 2007. No. 1. P. 6-8.
Dubrova V. We will help the parents – we will help the children. Theoretical aspects of the problem of raising parents. A teacher’s palette. 1998. No. 1. P. 28-31.
Kaluska L. Family sun circle: method. counselor for working with parents. Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2006. 140 p.
Kovalevska N. Implementation of a new form of cooperation in the work of a preschool educational institution – a parent’s club. Pedagogical education: theory and practice. 2017. Issue 23, Part 2. P. 179-184.
Kovtun O. A single space for teachers, parents and their children. Preschool management practice. 2014. No. 4. P. 7-15.
Kravchinska T. Pedagogy of partnership – basic ideas, principles and essence.
Methodological recommendations regarding the organization of interaction of preschool education institutions with parents of pupils: Letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine dated October 11, 2017. No. 1/9-546.
Myhalska S. The influence of the family on the formation of a child’s personality. Bulletin of the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University. Series: Psychological sciences. 2014. No. 121 (2). P. 22-28.
Osadcha O. Creation of an innovative educational environment in work with the parent community. Pedagogical workshop. 2018. No. 2 (February). P. 19-22.
Perepelyuk I. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of partnership of preschool educational institution and family in the Republic of Poland: diss. … candidate ped. n.: 13.00.01 / Chernivtsi. national University named after Yu. Fedkovicha. Chernivtsi, 2018. 265 p.
Serbina N., Sichkar I., Molochko M. Kindergarten, parents and school: forms of effective interaction. Methodist preschool teacher. No. 1. P. 43-47.
Sukhareva L. Let’s take care together with parents. Work with parents of preschoolers. Kharkiv: Ed. group “Osnova”, 2008. 128 p.

Sukhomlynskyi V. Parental pedagogy. In: Selected works. Kyiv: Rad. school, 1978. T.5. P. 410-414.
Cooperation is the result. The work of a teacher with parents in a preschool / V. Novikova. Kharkiv: Publishing House Ranok, 2011. 144 p. (called demo version)

Khromova O., Kravchenko T. Pedagogy of parents in the USA. Pedagogy and psychology. 1997. No. 2. P. 125-227.
Shvatska O. Partnership relations between preschool and family. Preschool educational institution. 2011. No. 9. P. 47-51.
Shvets N. Co-creation, not mentoring. Parent university in the conditions of a modern preschool education institution. Preschool education. 2019. No. 2. P. 7-10.
Halian O., Halian I. Specyfika pomocy psychologicznej dla rodzicow w realizacija efficacious strategii wychowania rodzinnego. Pedagogika rodziny. Family pedagogy. 2013. No. 3 (4). ss. 203-213.


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