Halyna Podanovska
Position: Associate Professor, preschool and primary education Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Phone (office): (032)239-42-30
Email: halyna.podanovska@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com
ORCID profile: orcid.org
Facebook profile: www.facebook.com
Research interests
Formation of communicative competence of students in literary reading classes; ways of forming reading interests in younger schoolchildren; use of innovative methods in elementary school lessons
Publications in the specialized scientific journals of Ukraine
- Podanovska H. Psychological, pedagogical and methodological conditions for enhancing the basic reading independence of younger schoolchildren. Pedagogy and psychology of professional education: a scientific and methodological journal. Lviv. 2012. Issue 6. P. 96 – 102.
- Podanovska H. Enhancing communicative competence of junior students based on the connections between the lessons of literary reading and work with a children’s book. Bulletin of Lviv University: collection of scientific works. Pedagogical series. Lviv. 2017. Issue 32. P. 565 – 572.
- Podanovska H. The essence and structure of communicative competence of the personality of a junior student. Educational horizons: a monthly scientific and pedagogical magazine. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2019. Issue 2 (49). P. 36 – 40.
- Podanovska H. Characteristics of the model of enhancing communicative competence of junior students. Youth and the market: a scientific and pedagogical journal. Drohobych 2021. Issue 1 (187). P. 139-144.
Articles in scientific journals abroad
- Podanovska H. V. Enhancing communicative competence of junior schoolchildren based on the connection between lessons of literary reading and work with children’s books: methodological guidelines. Lviv: Levada, 2017. 50 p.
Articles, abstracts of conferences
- Herulya H. Ways of junior schoolchildren’s literary development. Primary school: scientific and methodical magazine. Kyiv. 2008. Issue 5. P. 48 – 50.
- Herulya H. Literary competence as the basis of schoolchildren’s literary development. Primary school: scientific and methodical magazine. Kyiv. 2010. Issue 3. P. 7–10.
- Podanovska H. Preparation of students for enhancing the literary competence as the basis of literary development of younger schoolchildren. Pedagogy and psychology of professional education: a scientific and methodological journal. Lviv. 2012. Issue 1. P. 123 – 131.
- Podanovska H. V. The reading lesson as the main form of junior schoolchildren’s literary development. Science and Education in a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. Budapest, Hungary, 2015. III (34). P. 53-56.
- Podanovska H. Relationship between lessons of literary reading and work with a children’s book as a means of literary development of younger schoolchildren. Bulletin of Lviv University: collection of scientific works. Pedagogical series. Lviv. 2016. Issue 31. P.264 – 271.
- Podanovska H. A Reading lesson as the main form of literary development for junior schoolchildren. Materials of reported scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv, 2016. Issue 1. P. 9-13.
- Podanovska H. V. Peculiarities of work on the formation of communicative competence of primary school students at the literary reading lessons. Young scientist: scientific journal. Kherson. 2017. Issue 2 (42). P. 529 – 532.
- Podanovska H.V. A model of enhancing students’ communicative competence in literary reading lessons in a primary school. Eurasian scientific congress: VIII International scientific and practical conference (August 9 – 11, 2020). Barcelona, Spain. 2020. P. 258 – 264.
- Podanovska H.V. Communicative competence of junior students as a linguistic and didactic problem // Modernization of language and literature education: experience, problems, prospects: Materials of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Pedagogical, Scientific and Pedagogical Workers and Students (Chernihiv, February 21-22, 2022). Nizhyn Gogol State University, 2022. P. 302-304.
In 2007, Halyna Podanovska received basic higher education in the specialty “Pedagogical Education” and obtained the qualification of a Bachelor of Pedagogical Education, a primary school teacher.
From 2007 to 2008, she was a master’s student at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University in the specialty “Elementary Education”, and she obtained the qualification of a Master of Pedagogical Education, a primary school teacher.
In 2009, she was enrolled in the postgraduate program of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, the specialty: 13.00.02 Theory and methods of teaching the Ukrainian language; in 2016 she graduated from it.
Since 2008, she has been a teacher of specialized primary education subjects at the Separate Structural Unit “Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv” (since 2022 it has been her part-time job).
Scientific achievements:
On September 17, 2021, the defense of the candidate’s thesis “Enhancing the communicative competence of junior students based on the connections between the lessons of literary reading and working with a children’s book” took place, the specialty: 13.00.02 Theory and teaching methods (Ukrainian language).
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