Computer science with teaching methods (013 “Primary education”)
Type: Normative
Department: preschool and primary education
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
5 | 6 | Setoff |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
5 | 32 | Lushchynska O. V. | FPSH-32 |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
5 | 32 | FPSH-32 | Lushchynska O. V. |
Course description
The purpose of the educational discipline: to form in students the knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for teaching the basics of informatics in primary school, the effective use of modern information technologies in teaching other disciplines, for managing the educational process, for forming elements of information and general culture of primary school students through the subject of informatics education.
Expected results:
General competences:
- the ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of performed works; ability to work in a team;
- the ability to identify, pose and solve problems;
- the ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources;
- the ability to act socially responsibly and consciously;
- the ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives);
- the ability to make effective decisions in professional activities and a responsible attitude to duties, motivating people to achieve a common goal;
- ability to generate new ideas, identify and solve problems, initiative and entrepreneurship;
- the ability to learn, master modern knowledge and apply knowledge in practical situations.
Professional competences:
- the ability to navigate in the information space, use open resources, information and communication and digital technologies, and operate them in professional activities;
- the ability to integrate and implement subject knowledge as the basis of the content of the educational fields of the State Standard of Primary Education: language and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, technology, informatics, social and health care, civics and history, art, physical education;
- the ability to manage one’s own emotional states, to establish constructive and partner interaction with the participants of the educational process, to form the motivation of students of primary education to study and to organize their cognitive activities;
- the ability to organize the educational process in elementary school, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of younger students, the development of their critical thinking and the formation of value orientations.
Program learning outcomes:
- to plan and carry out the educational process taking into account the age and individual characteristics of younger schoolchildren, to ensure the development of students’ cognitive activity, to form their motivation to study;
- to plan and organize the educational process in primary school, extracurricular and extracurricular activities and activities, using different organizational forms of education and types of classes, in compliance with the principle of scientificity and the requirements of normative documents of primary school;
- to use in educational practice various methods of formative, current and final assessment of educational achievements of primary education students, methods of differentiated assessment of children with special educational needs.
Recommended Literature
- Antonova O.P. Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk «Nova ukrainska shkola: vykorystannia informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh tekhnolohii u 1-2 klasakh zakladiv zahalnoi serednoi osvity.- Rezhym dostupu do dokumenta: Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk «Nova ukrainska shkola: vykorystannia informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh tekhnolohii u 1-2 klasakh zakladiv zahalnoi serednoi osvity» (avt. Antonova O. P.) (
- Vdovenko V.V. Metodyka navchannia informatyky v pochatkovii shkoli: Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk. –Kirovohrad: PP «Tsentr operatyvnoi polihrafii» Avanhard», –106s.
- Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi zahalnoi osvity [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu do dokumenta:
- Morze N.V. Metodyka navchannia informatyky: Navch. posibnyk: u 4 ch./ za red. akad. M.I. Zhaldaka / N.V. Morze. – K.: Navchalna knyha, 2004. Ch. IV: Metodyka navchannia alhorytmizatsii ta prohramuvannia. – 368 s
N. V. Morze «Ia doslidzhuiu svit» : pidruch. dlia 2 kl. zakladiv zahalnoi serednoi osvity. Chastyna 2 / N. V. Morze, O. V. Barna. — K. : UOVTs «Orion», 2019. — 144 s.: il - Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk «Nova ukrainska shkola: metodyka navchannia informatyky v pochatkovykh klasakh». Rezhym dostupu: 122-21 (