Theory and method of forming elementary mathematical concepts 012

Type: Normative

Department: preschool and primary education




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
532Harasymiv YaroslavaFPD-31
632Harasymiv YaroslavaFPD-31
448Harasymiv YaroslavaFPD-22,


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
516FPD-31Vinarchuk Nataliia
664FPD-31Vinarchuk Nataliia
448FPD-22Vinarchuk Nataliia

Course description

The main competencies and program outcomes of studying the discipline “Theory and method of forming elementary mathematical ideas” are:

General competences (CG):

KZ-4 – the ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing;

KZ-8 – the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.

Special (professional competences) (SK):

KS-1 – ability to work with sources of educational and scientific information;

KS-23 – the ability to develop educational and methodological materials for improving the quality of work and professional skills.

Successful assimilation of the academic discipline will contribute to the achievement of education seekers

program learning outcomes:

1. PR-01. Understand and define pedagogical conditions, regularities, principles, goals, tasks, content, organizational forms, methods and tools used in working with children from birth to schooling; to find typical signs and specifics of the educational process and development of children of early and preschool age.

2. PR-04. To understand and determine the features of leading – playing and other types of activities of preschool children, ways of their use in the development, education and upbringing of children of early and preschool age.

3. PR-05. To carry out interaction in the work of the preschool education institution, family and school. Involve parents in the organization of the educational process with children of early and preschool age in the conditions of a preschool education institution.

Recommended Literature

Basic literature:

1.Basic component of preschool education (State standard of preschool education) new edition.
2.Mashovets M.A. Mathematical piggy bank: method. manual. for education board of education incl.: in 2 parts. Part 1./M.A. Mashovets. – K.: SIM KOLRIV, 2014.-64p.-(Series “Preschooler: steps of growth”).
3.Paguta T.I. The method of forming elementary mathematical ideas in preschoolers: educational and methodological manual / T.I. Paguta – Lviv, “New World-200”, 2019. – 298 p.
4.Preschool child development program “Ukrainian Kindergarten” / O.I.Bilan; in general edited by O. V. Nyzkovska – Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2017. – 256 p.

5. Shcherbakova, K. Y. The method of formation of elements of mathematics in preschoolers [Text]: academic. manual for students special “Preschool Education” education closing III, IV level of accreditation / Shcherbakova K. Y. ; Europe Univ. – K.: View of Europe. University, 2011. – 261 p. : Fig. – Bibliography: p. 257-260


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