Yaroslava Harasymiv
Position: Lecturer, preschool and primary education Department
Phone (office): (032) 239-42-30
Research interests
Theory and methods of formation of elementary mathematical concepts, theoretical and practical training in accordance with the requirements and needs of today
- Harasymov Ya.Yu. As much respect and as much demand as possible for students during their professional training / Ya.Yu Harasymov. – Materials of reported scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2021. – Issue 6. – P.54-57
- Garasymov Ya. Yu. Preparation of students for the formation of cognitive activity of preschool children in the process of learning elements of mathematics / Ya. Yu. Garasymov. – Materials of reported scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2020. – Issue 5. – P.51-54.
- Garasimov Ya. Yu. Mathematics as a means of correction of developmental defects of preschool age children / Ya. Yu. Garasimov – Materials of the reported scientific conference of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2018 – Issue 3. – P.78-82
- Garasimov Ya.Yu. Sofia Rusova on teaching preschool children the elements of mathematics: history and modernity / Ya.Yu. Garasimov – Materials of the reported scientific conference of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2019 – Issue 4. – P.66-69
- Garasimov Y.Yu. Formation of readiness of future teachers for the development of critical thinking of preschoolers. Bulletin of Lviv University. 2022. Issue 35. P.47-57
In 1972 she graduated from Lviv Pedagogical School №1 (with honors), specialty “Preschool education”.
1978 – Rivne Pedagogical Institute named after Dmitry Manuilsky.
Since 1979 he has been a lecturer at the Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Teacher of the highest category, methodologist.
Days and hours of consultations:
Wednesday from 10.00 to 12.00
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