Olga Tabaka
Position: Lecturer, preschool and primary education Department, Lecturer, preschool and primary education Department
Phone (office): (032) 239-03-22
Facebook profile: www.facebook.com
Research interests
Development of verbal creativity of preschoolers, preparation of children of the
senior preschool age for the study of the elements of the certificate.
1. Tabaka O. M. “The views of Sophia Rusova on the tasks of speech development of children of pre-school age” Scientific works/ Prominent Ukrainian educators, Issue 8 – 2016;
2. Tabaka O. M. “Teaching the elements of the grammar in the context of continuity and respectives of pre-school and elementary education” Continuity of pre-school education in the context of social mobility: Materials of theoretical and practical seminar, January 2017 – Lviv: LNU of Ivan Franko, 2017 – P. 180-183;
3. Tabaka O. M. “Zolotyy horishok” – collection of fairy tales for children of pre-school and junior school age, Lviv, 2016 – 36 pages.
Pedagogical Institute of Ivan Franko in Drogobych;
Precarpathian National University of Vasyl Stefanyk in Ivano-Frankivsk.
Private school by Maria Chumarna in Lviv, elementary school teacher;
Clindren’s complex “Dyvosvit” in Lviv, educator;
Editorial board magazine for children “Anhelyatkova nauka”, editor;
Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, lecturer;
Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, assistant of the Elementary and Pre-
school Education Department.
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