Technologies of organization of educational process in preschool institutions (012 Preschool education, educational degree “master”)
Type: Normative
Department: preschool and primary education
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
9 | 4 | Exam |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
9 | 32 | Professor Halian Оlena |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
9 | 16 | Professor Halian Оlena |
Course description
1. Requirements of the educational program
The study of the academic discipline involves the mastery of the acquirers:
a) general competence: the ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis;
b) professional competences: the ability to organize the educational process in preschool education institutions using modern means, methods, techniques, technologies; the ability to provide methodical support for the educational activities of the preschool education institution; the ability to psychologically and pedagogically guide the personal development of children of early and preschool age, in particular, children with special educational needs; the ability to create and put into practice scientific developments aimed at improving the quality of educational activities and the educational environment in the system of preschool, in particular, inclusive education; the ability to carry out educational activities in order to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of educators, parents, and the public.
2. Expected results
After studying the academic discipline, the applicants will:
– to know trends in the development of preschool education in the field of implementing innovative ideas and ensuring the quality of preschool education; to analyze the content and process aspects of the implementation of pedagogical technologies and progressive pedagogical experience in the organization of the educational process in educational institutions; identify and compare the results of the influence of different types of pedagogical technologies on the individual development of a preschool child;
– be able to design the implementation of pedagogical technologies and generate new ideas in the organization of the educational process of preschool education institutions of various types; to analyze, forecast, plan the educational process in SEN, taking into account the principles of child-centeredness, health care, inclusion, developmental education, person-oriented approach, subject-subject interaction; model the psychological and pedagogical guidance of the individual development of the child’s personality based on the use of productive pedagogical technologies; organize educational activities among the public, colleagues and parents regarding the introduction of pedagogical technologies.
Recommended Literature
Basic literature
Yevsyukov O. Pedagogical technologies: teaching. manual. Kharkiv: KHNAU, 2020. 228 p.
Dychkivska I. Innovative pedagogical technologies. 2nd ed. Kyiv: Akademvydav, 2012. 352 p.
Encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies and innovations / author-compiler N. Navolokova. Kharkiv: “Osnova”, 2009. 176 p.
Innovative educational technologies: educational method. manual / organized L. Prokopiv. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. 172p.
Mykhailichenko M., Rudyk Ya. Educational technologies. Kyiv: CPU “Comprint”, 2016. 583p.
Educational technologies: educational method. manual / O. Pehota, A. Kiktenko, O. Lyubarska, etc.; O. Pehota (ed.). Kyiv: A.S.K., 2001. 256 p.
Educational technologies of modern educational institutions: educational and methodological manual / O. Yankovych, Yu. et al. Ternopil: V. Hnatyuk TNPU, 2015. 212p.
Formation of the innovative space of preschool education: science and method. manual / organized N. Lyuchenko, O. Prokopenko, A. Vynogradova; E. Chernyshova (ed.). Kyiv, 2012. Part 1. 112 p.
Chepil M., Dudnyk N. Pedagogical technologies. Kyiv: Akademvydav, 2012. 224 p.
Yankovych O., Kuzma I. Educational technologies in primary school: teaching method. manual Ternopil: Volodymyr Hnatyuk TNPU, 2020. 290 p.
Supporting literature
Antonova O. Pedagogical technologies and their classification as a scientific problem. Modern technologies in education. Part 1. Modern learning technologies: research assistant. bibliography show Vol. 2 / NAPN of Ukraine, DNPB of Ukraine named after V. Sukhomlynskyi; edited by: T. Filimonova, S. Tarnavska, I. Oryshchenko, etc.; of science conc. O. Antonova; L. Berezivska (ed.). Kyiv, 2015. P. 8-15.
Basic component of preschool education (new edition). Kyiv, 2021.
Dzyuba V., Tsoi M. Problems of organizing innovative activities in the preschool education system. Education and management. 2003 Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 110-111.
Dychkivska I. Pedagogical expertise of innovative activity. Preschool education. 2004. No. 9. P. 6-10.
Zaitseva T., Yurchyk N. Activities of a preschool educational institution in the mode of innovative development: a guide to help employees of preschool educational institutions. Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2014. 328 p.
Zyazyun I. Educational technologies in the dimensions of pedagogical reflection. Light. 1996. No. 1. P. 4-9.
Innovative technology “Fairy labyrinths of the game” (V. Voskobovych).
Karabaeva I., Savinova N. Monitoring the quality of preschool education: a qualitative approach to assessing child development. Kyiv: MCFER-Ukraine LLC, 2016. 184 p.
Karataeva M. Designing is a promising technology. Preschool education. 2006. No. 10. P.14-15.
Kovalenko O. Innovations in preschool education: their use and evaluation criteria. Bulletin of the Institute of Child Development.
Krutiy K. Educational space of a preschool educational institution: a monograph in 2 parts. Part one: Concepts, design, technologies of creation. Zaporizhzhia: LLC “LIPS” LTD, 2009. P.115-128.
Krutiy K., Makovetska N. Innovative activity in modern DZ: methodical aspect. Preschool education. 2005. No. 5. P. 5-6.
Lavrentieva G. Waldorf Kindergarten in Germany. Preschool education. No. 6. P. 22-23.
Mezentseva O. Space for children’s freedom: in Waldorf kindergartens, the child’s activity has a free creative character. This is a constructive alternative to more authoritarian approaches to education. Education of Ukraine. 2012. No. 37. P. 11
Nyzkovska O. Normative principles of activity of experimental preschool educational institutions. Kindergarten. 2009. No. 29-31 (509-511), August. P. 33-35.
Nisemchuk A., Padalka O., Shpak O. Modern pedagogical technologies. Kyiv: Prosvita, 2000. 368p.
Organizational and pedagogical aspects of the activity of new types of preschool institutions / O. Lobas, T. Lavrentyeva, A. Burova (ed.). Kyiv: Vipol, 1997. P. 35-37.
Evaluation and selection of pedagogical innovations: theoretical-applied aspect: science-method. manual / L. Danylenko (ed.). Kyiv: Logos, 2001. 185p.
Palamarchuk V. Basics of pedagogical innovation. Vol. 1. Kyiv: Knowledge of Ukraine, 2005. 420 p.
Promising educational technologies: science and method. manual / H. Sazonenko (ed.). Kyiv: HOPAK, 2000. 560 p.
Pirozhenko T. Innovative psychological and pedagogical activity: new approaches. Preschool education. 2001. No. 12. P. 10-12.
Pirozhenko T. Pedagogical innovations: assessment criteria. Preschool education. 2000. No. 8. P. 3-4.
Pirozhenko T. Program of technology of psychological and pedagogical design. Kindergarten. 2004. No. 16.
Project technologies in a preschool educational institution / Yu. Burakova (ed). Kharkiv: Ed. group “Osnova”, 2009.
Pryazhentseva T. Montessori institution: experience in organizing activities. Preschool education. 2014. No. 8. P. 6-8.
Early intellectual development: Program according to the methodology of M. Veraksy. Lviv, 1996. 124 p.
Implementation of innovative practice in a preschool educational institution: psychological aspect / S. Maksimenko, S. Kulachkivska (eds.). Zaporizhzhia: LIPS, 2004. 128 p.
Sysoeva S. Pedagogical technologies: a brief description of essential features. Pedagogy. 2006. P.127-131.
Stetsenko I. Justification of the need to transition from STEM education to STREAM education in preschool age. Computer in school and family. 2016. No. 8. P. 31-34.