Anna Voitovych
Position: Associate Professor, preschool and primary education Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Phone (office): (032) 239-42-30
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Research interests
Use of innovative technologies for environmental education of schoolchildren; comparative aspect of
environmental education; valeological education and upbringing of children and youth. Development and
formation of social competences among future primary school teachers.
Scientific and educational methodological works: 1.Kurylovich A.Yu. The use of visual aids in the process of consolidating the skills of solving text problems in mathematics lessons in elementary grades / Anna Yuriivna Kurylovich // Scientific Bulletin UIII: Collection of scientific works of students of the pedagogical faculty / Upor. G.Phil. – Drohobych: Posvit, 2012. – P.55-58. 2.Kurylovich A.Yu. Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi's works of art for children as a source of values education and cultural identification / Anna Yuriivna Kurylovich // Collection of materials of scientific and practical seminar. - Lviv, 2013. - P.43-46. 3.Kurylovich A.Yu. Theoretical foundations of ecological education of younger schoolchildren / Anna Yuriivna Kurylovych // Bulletin of V. Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University. Pedagogy. Issue 1. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. – P. 108 – 113. 4.Kurylovich A.Yu. Ecological education of younger schoolchildren by means of folk art / Anna Yuriivna Kurylovych // Zbiόr raportόw naukovych. "Actual scientific research. Od teorii do praktyki" (30.03.2014 - 31.03.2014) - Warszawa : Wydawca: Sp. z o. o. "Diamond trading tour", 2014. - str. 32-36. 5.Kurylovich A.Yu. Environmental education of primary school students as a pedagogical problem / Anna Yuriivna Kurylovich // Scientific papers: [a collection of scientific articles] / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National. ped. University named after M.P. Drahomanova; incl. L.L. Makarenko – K.: Publishing house of M.P. NSU. Dragomanova, 2014. – Issue CXVIII (118). – (Series of pedagogical and historical sciences). - P. 130 - 136. 6.Kurylovich A.Yu. Normative-legal and methodical aspects of the process of environmental education of elementary school students (second half of the 20th century) / Anna Yuriivna Kurylovich // Scientific notes: [a collection of scientific articles] / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National. ped. University named after M.P. Drahomanova; incl. L.L. Makarenko – K.: Publishing house of M.P. NSU. Drahomanova, 2014. – Issue CXХI (121). – (Series of pedagogical and historical sciences). - pp. 99 - 105. 7.Kurylovich A.Yu. On the issue of research on ecological education of younger schoolchildren (second half of the 20th century) / Anna Yuriivna Kurylovich // Youth and Market: Monthly Scientific and Pedagogical Journal. – 2014. – No. 11 (118) November. - P. 145 - 149. 8.Voytovych A.Yu. Psychological and pedagogical principles of environmental education / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Zbiόr raportόw naukovych. Pedagogy Problems, achievements, innovativeness, praktyki, theory. (04/29/2015 - 04/30/2015). – Warszawa: Wydawca: Sp. z o. o. "Diamond trading tour", 2015. - str. 125 - 129. 9.Voytovych A.Yu. Principles of ecological education of younger schoolchildren in the second half of the 20th century / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Youth and Market: Monthly Scientific and Pedagogical Journal. – 2015. – No. 8 (127) August. - P. 164 - 169. 10.Voytovych A.Yu. Forms of ecological education of younger schoolchildren (second half of the 20th century) / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Pedagogical almanac: collection of scientific works / editor. V.V. Kuzmenko (head) and others. - Kherson: KVNZ "Kherson Academy of Continuing Education", 2015. - Issue 27. - P. 250 - 255. 11.Voytovych A.Yu. Environmental education of elementary school students in Ukraine and Europe: a comparative aspect / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Youth and Market: Monthly Scientific and Pedagogical Journal. – 2016. – No. 2 (133) February. - P. 149 - 153. 12.Voytovych A.Yu. Environmental education of primary school students: social determinants and risks / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Modern trends in the development of education and science in an interdisciplinary context: materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, March 24-25, 2016 / (editors-compilers: I . Zymomrya, V. Ilnytskyi). - Częstochowa - Uzhhorod - Drohobych: Posvit, 2016. - P. 202 - 204. 13.Voytovych A.Yu. Ecological education of primary school students in Ukraine and Europe: comparative aspect / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Materials of reported scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, 02/04/2016 - Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2016.- Vol. 1.-S. 17-20. 14.Voytovych A.Yu. Formation of a careful attitude towards nature among primary school students / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Scientific Bulletin XII: Collection of scientific works of students of the Faculty of Elementary and Art Education / Ref. G. Phil. – Drohobych: Posvit, 2016. – P. 30 – 33. 15.Voytovych A. Yu. Globalization aspects of the continuity of ecological education of children of preschool and primary school age / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Materials of the theoretical and practical seminar "The continuity of preschool and primary education in the context of social mobility", January 20, 2017 - Lviv: Lvivskyi Ivan Franko National University, 2017. - P. 46-49. 16.Voytovych A.Yu. Preparation of primary school teachers to implement the tasks of environmental education of students / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Materials of reported scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, 02.02.2017 - Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. - Issue 2 . 17.Voytovych Anna Yuriyivna, Pavlyukh Nataliya Stepanivna, Pantyuk Mykola Pavlovych, Pantyuk Tetyana Ihorivna. Continuity of preschool and primary education in modern conditions: essence, factors, results / Anna Voytovych // Proceedings of V International scientific conference "Science of the third millennium". Morrisville, USA, Lulu Press., 2017. 158-161 p. 18.Voytovych A.Yu., Lakh M.R. "Pedagogical design in professional activity". Educational and methodological manual. - Lviv: PP "Polistar", 2017. - 100 p. (manual). 19.Voitovych Anna. Professional Preparation of the Teacher for the New Ukrainian Elementary School / Anna Voitovych // Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Vol. 5, No. 1, 2018. - 95 - 101 (Index Copernicus). 20.Voytovych A.Yu. Axiological principles of ecological education of primary school students / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Materials of reported scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, 02.04-05.2018 - Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2018.- Vol. 3 .- P. 46 – 49. (theses). 21.Voytovych A. Yu. Formation of public competences in the professional training of future primary school teachers / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Actual problems of primary education and inclusive education: Collection of theses of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2018. - P.11-12. (theses). 22.Actual problems of pedagogical education: sociocultural dimension: collective monograph / [Oliynyk M.I., Machynska N.I., Voytovych A.Yu. etc.], edited by N. Machynska.- Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2018.- P.38-57. (monograph). 23.Voytovych A. Yu. Health-saving technologies as an effective way of forming the health culture of junior high school students / A. Yu. Voytovych, O. O. Krasnytsia // Young scientist. – 2018. – No. 9. – P. 21 – 24. 24. Smolinska O., Budnyk O., Voitovych A., Palahniuk M., Smoliuk A. The Problem of Health Protection in Modern Educational Institutions. Revista Inclusiones. Vol. 7. Núm. 4. Octubre/Diciembre, 2020. Pp. 108-116. ISSN 0719-4706 (Web of Science). Access mode: 25.Budnyk O., Fomin K., Novoselska N., Voitovych A. Preparing Teachers to Organize Dialogic Learning of Students: Communicative Aspect. Revista Inclusiones. Vol. 7. Núm. 4. Octubre/Diciembre, 2020. Pp. 117-129. ISSN 0719-4706 (WoS). 26. Voytovych A.Yu. Teacher preparation to create a socio-cultural educational environment of an elementary school / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Materials of report scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2023. – Issue 8. – P.19-21. (theses). 27. Voytovych A. Yu. The applied aspect of health-saving technologies in the practice of preschool and primary education / Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Development of education in crisis conditions: history, theory, practice: collection of scientific works of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference (Drohobych, April 27-28, 2023 ) / edited by T. Pantyuk, I. Palasevich, A. Fedorovych. Drohobych: DDPU named after I. Franka, 2023. P.185-189. (theses). 28. A. Yu. Voytovych Problems of adaptation of children to study at school / A.Yu. Voytovych, M.I. Khorohoyko // Imperatives of the development of a new Ukrainian school in the conditions of digital transformations: a collection of materials of the 2nd All-Ukrainian scientific and practical face-to-face distance conference: Kyiv: DNU "Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education", Kyiv, Ukraine, July 26, 2023 - Kyiv, 2023. - P. 181-184. (theses). 29. A. Yu. Voytovych Modern approaches to the control and evaluation activity of the elementary school teacher in the new Ukrainian school / A.Yu. Voytovych, N.R. Kravchenko // Imperatives of the development of a new Ukrainian school in the conditions of digital transformations: a collection of materials of the 2nd All-Ukrainian scientific and practical face-to-face distance conference: Kyiv: DNU "Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education", Kyiv, Ukraine, July 26, 2023 - Kyiv, 2023. - P. 92-99. (theses). 30. A. Yu. Voytovych Psychological-pedagogical aspects of providing a formative approach to the control and evaluation activity of primary school teachers in the conditions of NUSH / A.Yu. Voytovych, N.R. Kravchenko // Visnyk of Lviv University. Pedagogical series. – 2023. – Issue 39. – P. 78-90. (article). 31.Voytovych A.Yu. Peculiarities of the implementation of the principle of continuity in the preparation of older preschoolers to study in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School / Boyko G. O., Galyan O. I., Haliuka O. S. and others] // Continuity of preschool and primary education in the conditions of sustainable development of society - Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2023. – P. 138-162. - ISBN 978-617-10-0819-9. (monograph). 32. A. Yu. Voytovych Ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary education to study in the conditions of National University of Applied Sciences / A.Yu. Voytovych // Imperatives of the development of a new Ukrainian school in the conditions of digital transformations: materials of the II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical face-to-face conference, Ukraine, July 26, 2023 - Kyiv: Kyiv: DNU "Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education", 2023. - P. 125 -130. (theses). 33. Mysko I.I., Voytovych A.Yu. Theoretical aspects of independent work among students of primary education / Iryna Igorivna Mysko, Anna Yuriivna Voytovych // Imperatives of the development of a new Ukrainian school in conditions of digital transformations: a collection of materials of the 2nd All-Ukrainian scientific and practical face-to-face and distance conference, Kyiv, July 26, 2023 / Ref. : E. V. Bazhenkov, Yu. M. Safonov, O. A. Dubovik, G. A. Kolomoets, T. A. Malechko, A. A. Rebrina, G. V. Buyanova. - Kyiv: DNU "Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education", 2023. - P. 120-122. (theses). 34. Mysko I.I., Voytovych A.Yu. Formation of independent work skills of primary education students in educational activities / Iryna Igorivna Mysko // Collection of student scientific papers "Educational Almanac" [intro. word, order., general editor N. Machynska]. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2023.- C. 304-307. (theses). 35. Khorohoyko M.I., Voytovych A.Yu. Adaptation of children to learning conditions in a new Ukrainian school M.I. Khorohoyko // Collection of student research papers "Educational Almanac" [intro. word, order., general editor N. Machynska]. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2023. - C. 507-511. (theses). 36. Kravchenko N.R., Voytovych A.Yu. Peculiarities of control and evaluation activities of primary school teachers under martial law / N.R. Kravchenko // Collection of student scientific papers "Educational Almanac" [intro. word, order., general editor N. Machynska]. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2023. - C. 215-220. (theses). 37. Protsailo O.O., Voytovych A.Yu. Didactic game as a means of mental development of a younger schoolboy / O.O. Protsailo // Collection of student research papers "Educational Almanac" [intro. word, order., general editor N. Machynska]. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2023. - C. 396-399. (theses). 38. Chepil M.I., Voytovych A.Yu. Psychological support in war conditions. / M.I. Chepil // Prominent figures of psychology: history, modernity and perspectives: materials of the 1st All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference to the day of the psychologist (April 21, 2023, Lviv). Lviv, 2023. - P. 117-120.(theses).
- Was born in Lviv.
- Graduated from Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, qualification of bachelor of primary education. Teacher of primary school, English teacher in primary school; has got high education in the direction of preparation “Primary education”
- Graduated from Drohobych State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko – qualification of the master of primary education, teacher of pedagogy and methods of primary education; has got high education in the speciality “Primary education”.
Work experience:
- Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, teacher of pedagogy and professional disciplines of primary education ( 2012-2014);
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, assistant professor at the department of primary and preschool education of the faculty of pedagogical education (from 2013).
Scientific achievements:
- Defended a dissertation research for the degree of a candidate of pedagogical sciences 13.00.01 – general pedagogics and history of pedagogy on the topic: “Environmental education of primary school students in the secondary school (second half of the twentieth century)”.
Swiss-Ukrainian project "Development of civic competences in Ukraine - DOOCU" (2018).
Winner of the regional prize for young scientists and researchers of the Lviv Regional State Administration
and the Lviv Regional Council in 2018.
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