Organization of preschool education management (012 Preschool education, educational degree “master”)
Type: Normative
Department: preschool and primary education
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
9 | 4 | Exam |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
9 | 16 | Professor Halian Оlena |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
9 | 16 | Professor Halian Оlena |
Course description
1. The study of the academic discipline involves mastering by the acquirers:
a) general competences: the ability to work in a team;
b) professional competences: readiness to organize financial and economic activities of preschool education institutions; the ability to carry out educational activities in order to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of educators, parents, and the public; the ability to organize the preschool education institution’s cooperation with various social institutions, categories of specialists to partner with parents; the ability to carry out regulatory and legal regulation of the activities of the preschool education institution, guided by legislative documents and the basics of professional ethics; the ability to analyze the potential resources of the preschool education institution, to develop a strategy for its development in the conditions of educational changes and social challenges.
2. Expected learning outcomes: to know the legislative framework on preschool education, national educational policy; principles, tasks and content of various types of activities of the head of a preschool education institution (financial and economic; nutrition; medical care; children’s health; educational process; interaction with subordinates, social institutions, specialists and the public); tools for ensuring the quality of educational and organizational-management activities; strategies for analyzing potential resources for the development of a preschool education institution; basics of team building;
– be able to analyze management tasks in the field of preschool education, model constructive approaches to their solution, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of management decisions; to plan the work of the preschool education institution, based on the regulatory and legal framework; to model the implementation of management functions in the organization of various activities of the head of a preschool education institution; to develop a program for the development of SEN based on the analysis, forecasting and planning of the educational process, taking into account the principles of child-centeredness, health care, inclusion, developmental learning, a person-oriented approach, subject-subject interaction; design interaction with subjects of the educational process, specialists, the public regarding the organization of preschool education, the implementation of research and innovation projects
Recommended Literature
Basic literature
On preschool education: the Law of Ukraine. Basic component of preschool education (2021). New edition and tips for organizing the educational process.
On the approval of the professional standard “Head (director) of a preschool education institution”: Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine dated September 28, 2021.
Excerpt from the book: Dutkevich T., Tolkov O. Technique of management activity in an educational institution. Kyiv: KNT, 2020. 194 p.
Excerpt from the book: Romanyuk I. Work plan of preschool education institution: principles, structure, content. Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2019. 134 p.
Stepanova T., Vdovichenko R., Kurchatova A. Organization and management of preschool education in Ukraine: teaching method. book. Part 1. Mykolaiv: V. O. Sukhomlynskyi MNU, 2019. 262 p.
Skrypnyk N. Methodical work in preschool education: teaching method. manual. Uman: Visavy, 2019. 108 p.
Supporting literature
Actual problems of management of educational institutions in the context of the strategy of modernization of the educational sector: col. monograph / V. Kravets, H. Meshko (eds.). Ternopil: TNPU named after V. Hnatyuka, 2020. 310 p.
How to create an internal system for ensuring the quality of education: a guide for the director of educational institutions (2021).
The culture of target management in the national education system: humanistic context: col. monograph / H. Dmytrenko, V. Oliynyka (eds.). Lutsk: Veza-druk, 2017. 412 p.
Putcha V., Neuman M., Zaplotynska O., Sofiy N. Support of preschool education workers at the state level: preschool education in Ukraine. Washington, “Results for Development”, 2018. 30 p.
Administrative activity of the head of the educational institution / L. Martynets. Vinnytsia, 2018. 196 p.
Desk book of the head of a preschool educational institution / N. Kurochka, N. Omelianenko (eds.). Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2016. Part 6. 168 p.
Organizational and administrative work of the head of a preschool educational institution / L. Kivshar (ed.). Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2013. 344 p.
Romaniuk I. Analysis, planning, control as functions of managerial activity of the head of a preschool educational institution. Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2014. 280p.
Ponomarenko T. Theoretical principles of culturally appropriate management of preschool education. Luhansk: LNU named after Tarach Shevchenko, 2008. 272 p.
Management of heads of preschool and primary education institutions: teaching method. manual / L. Danylenko (ed.). Kyiv, 2008. 112 p.
Administrative and economic activity in the DZ / T. Chala, L. Shvayka (eds.). Kharkiv: Ed. group “Osnova”, 2008. 320 p.
Babii I. Organization of private preschool education. Uman: Almi, 2014. 70 p.
Handbook of the head of a preschool educational institution. Kharkiv: Vesta: Ranok, 2007. 456 p.
The head of a preschool educational institution: personality and professional. Preschool management practice. 2012. No. 5. P. 8-15.
Concept of education of early and preschool children / NAPN of Ukraine. Kyiv: FOP Ferenets V.B., 2020. 44 p.
Labor protection in an educational institution. Preschool management practice. 2013. No. 5. Special issue.
Pekhareva S. Management of innovative development of a preschool educational institution: autoref. thesis of candidate of ped. sciences: 13.00.06; T. Shevchenko Luhan. national University. Luhansk, 2009. 20 c.
Pisotska L. Actual problems of managing the development of preschool education in Ukraine: monograph. Khmelnytskyi: KhGPA, 2009. 174 p.
Pisotska L. Modern management methods in the context of activities of the head of a preschool educational institution. Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2013. No. 8-9. P. 64-66.
Ponomarenko T. Management in the preschool education system. Kramatorsk: KEGI, 2012. 318 p.
Model charter of a preschool educational institution. Preschool education. 2003. No. 7. P. 22-23, 26-27.
Management activity in the system of preschool education: theory and practice / K. Krutiy, O. Bayer, Z. Doroshenko, O. Kaplunovska, N. Pogribnyak (eds.). Zaporizhzhia: LLC “LIPS” LTD, 2009. 228 p.
Yanko O. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for managing the quality of work of a modern preschool educational institution: autoref. thesis of candidate of ped. sciences: 13.00.06; T. Shevchenko Luhan. national University. Luhansk, 2009. 20 c.