Introduction to the specialty in the pedagogy fundamentals (012 “Preschool education”)
Type: Normative
Department: preschool and primary education
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
1 | 3 | Exam |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
1 | 32 | Rostykus N. P. | FPD-11, FPD-12 |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
1 | 32 | FPD-11 | Іhor Bushchak |
FPD-12 | Іhor Bushchak |
Course description
Course description
The purpose of teaching the discipline is to familiarize students with the structure and system of education in a higher education institution, the peculiarities of students’ independent work, the desire for self-education and self-education throughout life, students’ mastery of the basics of pedagogical knowledge, personal responsibility for pedagogical activity, the basic competencies of a teacher, and the peculiarities of professional and pedagogical communication.
Recommented literature
Basic literature:
1.Mazokha V. On the way to the pedagogical profession (Introduction to the specialty): Study guide – K.: Center for Educational Literature, 2005. 168 p.
2. Meshko H. Introduction to the teaching profession: Study guide – K.: Akademvydav, 2010. – 200 p.
3. Ponimanska T. Preschool pedagogy: textbook / T. Ponimanska. – 2nd ed.
4. Introduction to the teaching profession: Study guide – T.: Study book – Bogdan, 2005. – 168 p.
5. Lokhvytsia L.V. Preschool education: history and present: a guide / L.V. Lokhvytsia. Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2011. 208 p.