Didactics and pedagogical technologies in primary school (013 “Primary education”)
Type: Normative
Department: preschool and primary education
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
3 | 32 | Associate Professor Prots M. O. |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
3 | 32 | FPSH-21 | Associate Professor Prots M. O. |
FPSH-22 | Associate Professor Prots M. O. | ||
FPSH-23 | Haliuka Olha |
Course description
The program of the course “Didactics and pedagogical technologies in primary school” was developed for students of the 2nd year of the higher education institution of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education in accordance with the bachelor’s training program of specialty 013 “Primary Education”.
Purpose of the course:
to acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of the organization of the educational process in primary school;
to reveal the peculiarities of the activity of the teacher and students in this process;
deepen students’ knowledge of the forms, methods and means of education of education seekers on the basis of a personal attitude to innovative pedagogical activity;
to form readiness for the implementation of modern technologies in the practice of primary school.
Recommended Literature
1. Toolkit for evaluating the results of competence-oriented education of junior high school students: method. manual / O. V. K. Onoprienko: CONVI PRINT, 2020. 72 p. URL: http://barna-consult.com/navchalno-metodychni-posibnyky-dlya-pedagogichnyh-pratsivnykiv/
2. Concept of the New Ukrainian School. URL: https://osvita.ua/d oc/files/news/520/5206 2/new-school.pdf
3. New Ukrainian school: the educational space of a primary school student: educational and methodological manual / Tsimbalaru A.D. K: Osvita Publishing House, 2020. 160 p.
4. Dictionary of terms and concepts of modern education / editor: L. M. Mykhaylova, O. V. Pagava, O. V. Pronina. In general ed. L. M. Mykhailova. Severodonetsk, 2020. 194 p.
5. Encyclopedia of Education / Ed. V. Kremenya. Kind. the second Kyiv: Unicom Inter, 2021. 1144 p.
Supporting literature
1. Babchenko L. M. The teacher’s portfolio as a form of analysis and assessment of the results of his activity: method. recommendations Dnipro: Serednyak T. K., 2019. 21 p. URL: http://barna-consult.com/navchalno-metodychni-posibnyky-dlya-pedagogichnyh-pratsivnykiv/
2. Application of pedagogical technology “Daily 5” in work on the text in primary school (grades 1-2): educational and methodological manual / edited by N. Tikhonov. Kropyvnytskyi, 2021. 100 p.
3. Control of educational results of lyceum students in the conditions of integrated education: methodological manual / Ilchenko V.R., Guz K.Zh., Zasekina T.M., Ilchenko O.G., Hrynyuk O.S., Antonyuk M.A. , I. M. Oliynyk, N. I. Bilyk, A. Kh. Lyashenko, V. P. K. Pedenko: CONVY PRINT, 2021. 150 p. URL: http://barna-consult.com/navchalno-metodychni-posibnyky-dlya-pedagogichnyh-pratsivnykiv/
4. Guide for organizing and conducting the “morning meeting”. How to make the day fun, 2020. 28p.URL: http://barna-consult.com/navchalno-metodychni-posibnyky-dlya-pedagogichnyh-pratsivnykiv/
5. Guide to the school / Public association “PARENTS SOS”. 2021. 39 p. URL: http://barna-consult.com/navchalno-metodychni-posibnyky-dlya-pedagogichnyh-pratsivnykiv/
6. The world of didactics: didactics in the modern world: coll. of the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, September 21-22, 2021 / by Sci. ed. O. Topuzova, O. Malikhina. K.: Lyudmila Publishing House, 2021. 247 c.URL: https://undip.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Zbirnyk-Svit-dydaktyky-sayt.pdf
7. Communication in the pedagogical process: a study guide / Garkavets S. O., Volchenko L. P. Zhytomyr: LLC “Buk-Druk Publishing House”, 2021. 100 p.URL: http://barna-consult.com/navchalno-metodychni-posibnyky-dlya-pedagogichnyh-pratsivnykiv/
Information resource
1. Teacher to teacher, students and parents. URL: http://teacher.at.ua
2. The teacher is online. URL: https://sites.google.com/site/ulejconf
3. The only educational information window of Ukraine. URL: http://www.osvita.com
4. Information portal “Knowledge”. URL: http://znannya.info
5. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: official website. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua
6. Education and Science. URL: http://firstedu.com.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=93&Itemid=34
7. Education of Ukraine. URL: http://osvita-ukrainy.com.ua
8. Education.UA: Education in Ukraine and abroad. URL: https://osvita.ua/
9. Pedagogical library. URL: http://www.pedlib.clx.ru
10. Portal of modern pedagogical resources. URL: http://www.intellect invest.org.ua