Self-education : how to learn to learn

Type: For the student's choice

Department: of general pedagogy and pedagogy of higher education




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
616Associate Professor Leshchak T.


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
616Associate Professor Leshchak T.

Course description

Self-education in the modern world becomes almost the only chance for a person not to stop in self-development, to stay in the professional trend and not to lose faith in one’s own strength. From childhood, we are taught by our parents and educators, at school and university we are taught by teachers, but when we find ourselves alone with information, we are forced to learn to master it without outside help. At the same time, we risk acting intuitively, spending too much time on the required task, getting tired due to improperly distributed efforts, and ultimately being dissatisfied with both the result of knowledge acquisition and the time spent on it. This course will help you avoid such mistakes and learn to study effectively on your own. First of all, it is important to understand the basic principles of how our brain works, in particular in the part of information processing. The next step is to become aware of the stages information goes through before it becomes our knowledge, and then becomes a skill and, ultimately, a skill. Our brain does what it wants, but we can direct it in the direction we want. The consequence of this is our ability to properly organize our study time and study space, as well as optimally plan our long-term and short-term study tasks.

The purpose of teaching the educational course “Self-education: how to learn to learn” is to help students learn to effectively organize the process of their own self-education, relying on the basic psychological and didactic knowledge acquired during the course. Students will be able to learn the main links of transformation of information on the way to knowledge, optimize the time of passing these links and, at the exit, get a result that is as close as possible to the desired one. They will also receive practical advice on the optimal organization of the learning space, as well as learn to use modern methods of mastering visual information and memorizing it.


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