Deontology of social work (231B – Social work)
Type: Normative
Department: social pedagogy and social work
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
1 | 3 | Setoff |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
1 | 32 | Stoliaryk Olha | ФПС-11, |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
1 | 32 | ФПС-11 | Pyrih Uliana |
Course description
The discipline “Deontology of social work” is a normative discipline from the specialty “231 Social work” for the educational program “Social pedagogy”, which is taught in the 1st semester in the amount of 3 credits (according to the ECTS European Credit Transfer System).
The purpose of studying the normative/discipline “Deontology of social work” is the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge in bachelors of social work regarding the mission, values, ethical principles and standards of social work, developed by international schools of social work and associations of social workers, which form the categorical apparatus of ethics of social work and on which the technologies of local practice of social workers are based and research in social work is organized and carried out.
Tasks (goals) of the course:
- acquiring theoretical knowledge regarding ethical concepts and scientific approaches to understanding the relationship between mission, ideals, values and principles in social work, their retrospective development and formation;
- formation of theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the sources of conflicts of interest and ethical dilemmas in social work and possible ways of solving them;
- understanding of ethical requirements for conducting research in the practice of social work and general approaches to making professional decisions;
- awareness of ethical and deontological requirements for the professional activity of social workers (including remote work) and the need to implement ethical standards;
- understanding of ethical decision-making models in the practice of social work, the role of professional duty and responsibility in the professional ethics of a social work specialist;
formation of professional etiquette skills of future social workers.
Scope of the course:
Full-time study: 90 hours, of which:
64 classrooms (32 hours – lectures, 32 hours – seminars/practical),
26 hours of independent student work.
Correspondence form of education: 90 hours, of which:
20 hours classroom (6 hours – lectures, 14 hours – seminars/practical),
70 hours – independent work of students.
Acquired competencies and program learning outcomes:
Integral competence:
IC The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of professional activity or in the process of learning, which involves the application of certain theories and methods of social work and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
General competences
GC4. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
GC11. Ability to identify, pose and solve problems.
Professional competences:
PC2. The ability to predict the course of various social processes.
PC7. Ability to cooperate in an international environment and recognize intercultural problems in professional practice.
PC11. Ability to provide assistance and support to clients, taking into account their individual needs, age differences, gender, ethnicity and other characteristics.
PC16. Ability to adhere to ethical principles and standards of social work.
Program learning outcomes:
PLO3. Identify, formulate and solve tasks in the field of social work, integrate theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
PLO11. Use prevention methods to prevent possible deviations in mental development, behavioral disorders, interpersonal relationships, to resolve conflicts, prevent social risks and difficult life circumstances; to possess methods of preserving and strengthening physical and mental health of a person.
PLO17. Establish and maintain relationships with clients on the basis of mutual trust and in accordance with ethical principles and standards of social work, provide them with psychological support and exhaust clients.
PLO18. Establish cooperation with representatives of various professional groups and communities; use strategies of individual and collective representation of clients’ interests.
PLO20. Identify ethical dilemmas and contradictions in professional activity and apply supervision tools to resolve them.
Keywords: Deontology of social work, ethics of social work, principles of social work, values of social work, ethical dilemmas, clients, social worker, ethical decisions, professional etiquette
Prerequisites: The study of the academic discipline is based on competencies formed synchronously in the process of studying the academic discipline: “Introduction to the specialty”, sufficient for understanding the content characteristics and components of social work, global and domestic ethical principles and professional values of social work, understanding the nature of conflicts in the practice of social work work, awareness of professional duty in the organization of activities of a social work specialist.
Educational methods and techniques that will be used during the teaching of the course: Explanatory-illustrative, research, search (heuristic), problem presentation of educational material, interactive and methods of stimulating learning (conversation, brainstorming, discussion, work in pairs/groups, etc.), visual (presentations, demonstration of video materials), design (creating projects), work with educational and methodological literature
Academic Integrity: The independent work assignments for each topic completed by graduate students are expected to be their original thinking. Failure to cite used sources, fabrication of sources, plagiarism, interference with the work of other applicants are, but are not limited to, examples of possible academic dishonesty. The discovery of signs of academic dishonesty in the applicant’s written work is a reason for the teacher not to credit it, regardless of the scale of plagiarism or deception. Any form of breach of academic integrity will not be tolerated.
Attending classes is an important component of learning. In any case, students of higher education are obliged to comply with all the deadlines set for the implementation of the planned types of educational work.
Literature. All literature that students cannot find on their own will be provided by the teacher for educational purposes only, without the right to transfer it to third parties. Students are also encouraged to use other literature and sources that are not among the recommended ones.
Scoring policy. The assimilation of theoretical material from the academic discipline by students of higher education is checked through an oral survey, preparation of questions for seminar classes, current programmed control of knowledge, assessment of the ability to analyze problem situations by solving practical tasks. At the same time, the following must be taken into account: attendance at classes and activity of the student of higher education during practical/seminar classes; using a mobile phone, tablet or other devices during class for non-educational purposes; plagiarism and plagiarism; untimely performance of the assigned task. The final semester grade is defined as the sum of points from all planned types of academic work and assessment.
Recommended Literature
Alwagfi, A. A., Aljawarneh, N. M., & Alomari, K. A. (2020). Work ethics and social responsibility: Actual and aspiration. Journal of Management Research, 12(1), 26-36.
Frunza, A., & Sandu, A. (2018). Supervision of ethics in social work practice: A reconstruction of ethics expertise. In Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice(pp. 175-209). IGI Global.
Hickey, C. (2018). Research ethics in social research. Teaching Council Webinar Center for Effective Services.
Hnatchuk, O., Shestakova, K., & Yaremchuk, S. (2022). Using the principles of humanism in social work. Social work and education, 9(2), 188-196.
Reamer, F. G. (2018). Social work values and ethics. In Social Work Values and Ethics. Columbia University Press.
Sewpaul, V., & Henrickson, M. (2019). The (r)evolution and decolonization of social work ethics: The Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles. International Social Work, 62(6), 1469-1481.
Sobočan, A. M., Banks, S., Bertotti, T., Strom, K., de Jonge, E., & Weinberg, M. (2020). In Conversation with a Case Story: Perspectives on Professionalism, Identity and Ethics in Social Work. Ethics and Social Welfare, 14(3), 331-346.
Watson, A. (2019). Collision: An opportunity for growth? Māori social workers’ collision of their personal, professional, and cultural worlds and the values and ethical challenges within this experience’. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 16(2), 28-39.
Bobovska, A. V., & Fedorova, O. V. (2018). Professional and ethical norms of social work. Theoretical and applied problems of psychology, (3 (1)), 34-40.
Bobro, A. A. (2018). Content and structure of professional ethics in social work. Young scientist, (4 (56)), 472-475.
Yevdokymova, I. A., & Butylina, O. V. (2019). Professional and personnel risks in social work. Grani, (22, No. 2), 23-31.
Zozulyak-Slucyk, R., & Radkevich, O. (2017). Deontology of social work as a component of professional and ethical competence of future specialists. Bulletin of the Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. Series: “Pedagogical Sciences”, (3).
Karagodina, O. G., Lyuty, V. P., & Pozhidayeva, O. V. (2019). Ethical examination of scientific research in social work: attitude of the professional community. In Current problems of social pedagogy and social work: M-ly Vseukr. science and practice conf. Uman: VIZAVI (pp. 59-62).
Kloss, L. (2022). Social work in the field of health: the ethics of the professional activity of social workers. Science and technology today, (11 (11)).
Klochko, O. O. (2019). Ethical standards of social work. Young scientist, (4 (2)), 257-261.
Krasnova, N. P. (2021). Pedagogical ethics as a component of professional ethics of a social work specialist. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University. Pedagogical Sciences, (1 (339) Part 1), 177-190.
Lavretskyi, R. V., & Loza, A. S. (2017). Ethical dilemmas in social work. Young scientist, (12), 81-86.
Petrukhan-Shcherbakova, L. (2018). Basic principles of professional ethics of a social worker in the legacy of Mary Ellen Richmond (1861-1928). Educational discourse, 51-60.
Semigina, T. (2019). New global ethical principles of social work. Bulletin of the Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, (1), 70-85.
Semigina, T. (2020). Global standards for the training of social workers as an idealistic vision of the development of social work education. Publishing house “European Scientific Platform”, 75-84.
Semigina, T. V. (2021). Global standards for the training of social workers as an idealistic vision of the development of social work education. Representation of educational achievements, mass media and the role of philology in the modern system of sciences, 75-84.
Sobochan, A. M., Teresa, B., & Strom-Gottfried, K. (2019). Ethical considerations in social work research. Bulletin of the Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, (1), 86-101.
Ashytok, N. I. (2018). Sociocultural approach to the study of social work. Bulletin of the National Aviation University. Series: Philosophy. Cultural Studies, 27(1), 106-109.
Detsyuk, T. M., Khizhnyak, Y. M., & Borovyk, A. V. (2017). Formation of professional ethical principles and values of future social workers in extracurricular work. Problems of social work: philosophy, psychology, sociology, (2 (10)), 022-028.
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Zhevakina, N. V. (2014). Peculiarities of the occurrence and course of conflicts in social work. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University. Pedagogical Sciences, (4), 31-37.
Zozulyak-Slucyk, R. (2017). Theoretical and methodological analysis of the process of formation of professional ethics of future social workers in higher educational institutions. Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies, (9), 42-52.
Zozulyak-Slucyk, R. (2018) Basic moral categories of social work. Theoretical, methodological and practical problems of social work, 10-13.
Zozulyak-Slucyk, R. V. (2019). Peculiarities of formation of professional ethics of future social work specialists in universities: didactic aspects. Scientific Notes of the Department of Pedagogy, 1(44), 106-118.
Yevdokymova, I. A., & Butylina, O. V. (2019). Professional and personnel risks in social work. Grani, (22, No. 2), 23-31.
Kalaur, S. M. (2018). The system of professional training of future specialists in the social sphere to resolve conflicts in professional activity (Doctoral dissertation, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk).
Karagodina, O., Pozhidaeva, O., & Semigina, T. (2020). Social work practice under quarantine restrictions: rapid assessment and lessons. Social work and education, 7(4), 452-465.
Smagina, T. (2021). The deontological component of the teacher’s assessment and analytical competence. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Pedagogy. Social work, (2 (49)), 198-202.
Spirina, T. P. (2014). Formation of ethical principles of professional activity of future social workers. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University: pedagogical sciences, (13), 108-114.
Strelbytska, S. M. (2019). Formation of basic competencies of future social workers in the process of professional training (Doctoral dissertation, Odesa).
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