Workshop on psychological, pedagogical and social work (in institutions) (231M – Socail Work)
Type: Normative
Department: social pedagogy and social work
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
11 | 16 | Stoliaryk Olha |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
11 | 16 | Stoliaryk Olha |
Course description
The purpose of studying the academic discipline is to prepare a highly competent specialist – a social worker – with a European level of socio-psychological literacy as an important component of his civic and professional culture, who possesses certain types and methods of activity necessary for solving practical tasks of psychological-pedagogical and social work in institutions and institutions of various types and directions, in particular, institutions of education, health care, social service and protection, employment of the population, in institutions of the penitentiary sphere, etc.
Tasks (goals) of the course:
- acquisition of theoretical knowledge regarding the identification, definition and substantive content of types of psychological, pedagogical and social assistance in institutions and institutions of various types: features of psychological assistance, prevention, psychological counseling, psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, psychotherapy, understanding of the technology of social support and socio-psychological rehabilitation: features and specifics in relevant institutions and establishments;
- formation of skills of social and cultural activity in educational institutions and technologies of activity of social pedagogue and practical psychologist;
- understanding the concept, content, essence and functions of social, psychological and pedagogical work in the field of public employment, knowledge of the labor market and its subjects, awareness of the consequences of unemployment, labor migration and human trafficking as a social problem of work in the field of public employment.
- acquiring knowledge about the specifics of social and psychological-pedagogical work in institutions and institutions of the penitentiary system, prevention of suicidal behavior among convicts and understanding the content of social, pedagogical and psychological work with female prisoners and juvenile convicts in penitentiary institutions and institutions;
- knowledge of the basics of social, psychological and pedagogical work at health care institutions: rehabilitation centers working with addicts, hospitals, maternity homes, etc.;
- familiarization with the foundation of geriatric and palliative social, psychological, pedagogical work.
Acquired competences, expected learning outcomes
IC The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of professional activity or in the learning process, which involves the application of certain theories and methods of social work and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
General competences
GC 1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
GC 3. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of performed works.
GC 6. The ability to show initiative and entrepreneurship.
GC 7. Ability to adapt and act in a new situation.
GC 9. Skills of interpersonal interaction.
Professional competences:
PC 1. Ability to understand and use modern theories, methodologies and methods of social and other sciences, including methods of mathematical statistics and quantitative sociological methods, in relation to the tasks of fundamental and applied research in the field of social work.
PC 2. The ability to identify socially significant problems and factors for achieving social well-being of various population groups.
PC 3. Ability to professionally diagnose, forecast, project and model social situations. PC 4. Ability to implement methods and technologies of innovative practice and management in the system of social work.
PC 5. The ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of various levels (experts from other industries/types of economic activity), to establish interaction between state, public and commercial organizations on the basis of social partnership.
PC 9. Ability to prove knowledge and own conclusions to specialists and non-specialists.
PC 10. The ability to show initiative and entrepreneurship to solve social problems through the introduction of social innovations.
PC 15. Ability to develop, test and implement social projects and technologies.
PC 16. The ability to implement the results of scientific research in practical activities.
PC 17. The ability to understand the specifics of development, the problems of socially vulnerable groups of clients caused by their exclusion from society, psychotraumatic life events, and the selection of effective technologies of social and psychological rehabilitation, methods of intervention and methods of providing comprehensive assistance, support of individual groups of clients, their integration into society
Program learning outcomes:
PLO 1. Solve complex tasks and problems that require updating and integration of knowledge in conditions of incomplete/insufficient information and conflicting requirements.
PLO 7. Apply general and specialized software to solve professional problems and carry out scientific research.
PLO 8. Make decisions autonomously in difficult and unpredictable situations.
PLO 9. Perform reflective practices in the context of social work values, responsibility, including to prevent professional burnout.
PLO 10. Analyze the social and individual context of the problems of a person, family, social group, community, formulate the purpose and tasks of social work, plan interventions in difficult and unpredictable circumstances in accordance with the values of social work.
PLO 11. To organize the joint activities of specialists of various fields and non-professionals, to prepare them for the performance of social work tasks, to initiate team building and to coordinate team work.
PLO 12. Assess the social consequences of policies in the field of human rights, social inclusion and sustainable development of society, develop recommendations for improving regulatory and legal support social work.
PLO 13. Demonstrate initiative, independence, originality, generate new ideas for solving tasks of professional activity.
PLO 15. Develop criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of professional activity, apply them in the evaluation of the work performed, offer recommendations for ensuring the quality of social services and management decisions.
PLO 16. Develop social projects at a highly professional level, test and implement social projects and technologies.
PLO 17. Independently build and maintain purposeful, professional relationships with a wide range of people, representatives of various communities and organizations, argue, convince, conduct constructive negotiations, productive conversations, discussions, be tolerant of alternative opinions.
PLO 18. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards one’s profession and comply with the ethical principles and standards of social work with one’s behavior.
PLO 19. To carry out social and psychological rehabilitation practices for vulnerable groups of clients, to organize the provision of comprehensive assistance, support, and integration into society.
PLO 20. Determine the strategic goals of the social development of the community, the region, develop a community development plan and apply methods and techniques for the activation and consolidation of community members for its implementation.
PLO 21. To implement the results of scientific research in practical activities.
Keywords Psychological assistance, pedagogical work, social work, social support, client, socio-psychological rehabilitation, socio-cultural activity, palliative medicine, counseling, psychodiagnosis, crisis assistance, rehabilitation centers, hospices, employment centers, penal institutions, educational institutions.
Prerequisites The study of the academic discipline is based on competencies formed synchronously in the process of studying the academic discipline: “Introduction to the specialty”, sufficient for understanding the content characteristics of social work, global and domestic principles and values of social work, understanding the objects and clients of social work, its infrastructure .
Educational methods and techniques that will be used during the teaching of the course Explanatory-illustrative, research, searching (heuristic), problem presentation of educational material, interactive and methods of stimulating learning (conversation, brainstorming, discussion, work in pairs/groups, etc.), visual (presentations, demonstration of video materials), design (creation projects), work with educational and methodical literature.
Necessary equipment During the teaching of the academic discipline, the following are used: a computer, commonly used programs and operating systems, a multimedia projector, a flip chart, markers.
Academic Integrity: The independent work assignments for each topic completed by graduate students are expected to be their original thinking. Failure to cite used sources, fabrication of sources, plagiarism, interference with the work of other applicants are, but are not limited to, examples of possible academic dishonesty. The discovery of signs of academic dishonesty in the applicant’s written work is a reason for the teacher not to credit it, regardless of the scale of plagiarism or deception.
Attending classes is an important component of learning. In any case, students of higher education are obliged to comply with all the deadlines for completing the planned types of educational work and two colloquiums.
Literature. All literature that students cannot find on their own will be provided by the teacher for educational purposes only, without the right to transfer it to third parties. Students are also encouraged to use other literature and sources that are not among the recommended ones.
Scoring policy. The assimilation of theoretical material from the academic discipline by students of higher education is checked through an oral survey, ongoing programmed control of knowledge, assessment of the ability to analyze problem situations by solving practical tasks. At the same time, the following must be taken into account: attendance at classes and activity of the student of higher education during the seminar class; using a mobile phone, tablet or other mobile devices during class for non-educational purposes; plagiarism and plagiarism; untimely performance of the assigned task. The final semester grade is defined as the sum of points from all planned types of study work and the exam.
Any form of breach of academic integrity will not be tolerated.
Recommended Literature
- Bobovska, A. V., & Fedorova, O. V. (2018). Professional and ethical norms of social work. Theoretical and applied problems of psychology, (3 (1)), 34-40.
- Bamburak N.M. Psychological analysis of the personality of the criminal. Problems of humanitarian sciences: Collection of scientific works of Ivan Franko Drohobytsk State Pedagogical University. Drohobych: Editorial and Publishing Department of the Ivan Franko State University, 2014. Issue thirty-second. Psychology. P. 45-50.
- Bamburak N.M. Peculiarities of psychotherapeutic methods in overcoming normative family crises in marital relations. Scientific Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Psychological series: collection of scientific papers. Lviv: LvDUVS, 2015. Issue 2. P. 117-126.
- Bamburak N.M. Theoretical and methodological guidelines for the study of family functioning. Scientific Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Psychological series: collection of scientific papers. Lviv: LvDUVS, 2016. Issue 1. P. 3-11.
- Bamburak N.M. The specifics of professional risks and professional and personal destruction in the activities of specialists in the social and medical spheres. Bulletin of the National Academy of the State Border Service of Ukraine. 2018.- Issue 2. Access mode: dpn_2018_2_3.
- Bamburak N.M. Methods of preventing the occurrence of professional risks and deformations in the professional activities of medical and social workers. Collection of scientific works of the National Academy of the State Border Service of Ukraine. Series: Psychology: 2(10). 2018. P.5–16.
- Bamburak N., Brigadyr M. Professional health of the individual as factors of effective work // Collection of theses at the International scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of psychological support of the official activities of law enforcement officers” (October 30, 2020) Kyiv: DNDI MMVS . 2020. P.215-217.
- Bamburak N. The anniversary syndrome and the feeling of existential guilt // Military conflicts and man-made disasters: historical and psychological consequences: Collection of theses of the 1st International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, April 22-23, 2021 / Compilers: A.A . Kryskov, V.V. Vyshnovskyi and N.V. Gabruseva. Ternopil: FOP Palanytsia V. A., 2021 P.14-15.
- Bamburak N. Tsikunova A. Art therapy in working with the traumatic experience of military personnel // Military conflicts and man-made disasters: historical and psychological consequences: Collection of theses of the 1st International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, April 22-23, 2021. / Compilers: A.A. Kryskov, V.V. Vyshnovskyi and N.V. Gabruseva. Ternopil: FOP Palyanytsia V. A., 2021 P.15-16.
- Bezpalko O.V. Content and directions of professional activity of social pedagogue in general educational institutions. Problems of pedagogical technologies. Issue 2. Lutsk, 2002. 15 p.
- Bezpalko O.V. Social pedagogy in diagrams and tables: teaching. manual K.: Center of educational literature, 2003. 134 p.
- Vasylenko O.M., Malko A.O. Social and pedagogical activities in educational institutions. Kh.: Krok, 2003. 53p.
- Vasylyk V. V. Correction and resocialization of prisoners sentenced to imprisonment in the system of means of implementing the tasks of the criminal law // Legal journal of the National Academy of Internal Affairs. No. 2 (20), 2020. P. 33-39.
- Voronenko Yu. V. Creation of a system of palliative and hospice care in the conditions of health care reform in Ukraine: medical and social aspects // Health care and society. 2014. No. 1
- Gubskyi Yu.I. The development of palliative and hospice medicine as an integral component of reforming the health care system in Ukraine // Family medicine. 2011. No. 3. P. 16–18.
- Lukashevich M. P., Semigina T. V. Social work (theory and practice): textbook. K.: Karavela, 2011. 368 p.
- Kapska A.Y. Social work: technological aspect: Training manual. – Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2004. – 352 p.
- Knyazevich V. M. Palliative and hospice medicine: concept, components, development in Ukraine (according to scientific literature). // Ukraine is the health of the nation. 2009. No. 3 (11/09). P. 55–63.
- Kokun O.M., Agaev N.A., Pishko I.O., Lozinska N.S., Ostapchuk V.V. Psychological work with servicemen – participants of the anti-terrorist operation at the stage of recovery: Methodical guide. – K.: NDC of the State Department of the ZSU, 2017. – 282 p.
- Kolenichenko T. I. To the problem of providing palliative care in Ukraine // Problems of social work: philosophy, psychology, sociology. 2016. No. 2 (8). P. 65–72.
- Crisis psychology: Study guide / According to general ed. Prof. O.V. Timchenko Kh.: NUTZU, 2010. 401 p.
- Kutiepov M.Yu. Some problems of resocialization of juvenile convicts in Ukraine. Young scientist, 2018. No. 2. P. 674–677.
- Murdoch Jim, Yrzychka Vaclav. Combating Abuse in Correctional Institutions: A Guide for Prison Staff with a Focus on Preventing Abuse in Correctional Institutions. 2017. 66 p.
- Melnyk L., Sergeyeva K., Zhuravel T. Overcoming aggressive behavior. Training program for adults. K., 2017. 173 p.
- Pakhomov I.V., Grigorenko A.M. Social and educational work with convicts and persons taken into custody: training manual: 2nd ed. / for general ed. d. ped. n., prof. M.O. Supruna Kyiv, 2021. 300 p.
- Manual on the methodology of interdisciplinary case management when working with homeless, neglected minor children / organization “Right to Health” (HealthRight International). K., 2010. 68 p.
- Mental and behavioral disorders (addiction syndrome) due to the use of opioids. Clinical decision. 2020. P. 268 p.
- Semigina T. Modern social work. Kyiv: Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, 2020. 275 p.
Social support of families in difficult life circumstances: Method. manual / Author. – arranged. I. D. Zvereva, V. 29. Kuzminsky, Z. P. Kiyanitsa, Zh. V. Petrochko, and others. K.: DCSSDM, 2007. 84 p.
Stadnik V.V. Execution of punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for minors. Diss. Ph.D. law of science Lviv, 2017. 262 p.
- Socio-psychological support in the work of employment service specialists: monograph / by General. ed. G. A. Priba, E. M. Kalyuzhnoi. Kyiv: IPK DSZU, 2020. 328 p.
- Khmurinska T.O. Analysis of the problem of homelessness and neglect of children and features of their rehabilitation/ Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University. Series: Pedagogy, social work. ISSUE 1 (38). 2016. P. 309-311.
Supporting literature:
- Laws of Ukraine Children’s rights in educational institutions in Ukraine: Special report on the protection of children in UNICEF / Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights: Official publication. K., 2018. 110 p.
- Representation of the interests of socially vulnerable children and families: Education. manual / edited by T. V. Semigina. K.: The Fourth Wave, 2004. 216 p.
- Adoptive family: method of creation and social support: Scientific method. manual / H. M. Bevs, V. O. Kuzmizh, O. I. Neskuchaeva and others. K: Center for Strategic Support, 2003. 92 p.
- Program for training social workers of integrated social services. / edited by I. D. Zvereva, V. O. Kuzminsky, I. Sammon. K.: PBO “Every Child” in Ukraine, 2006. 34 p.
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine [Electronic resource] − Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine − Access mode:
- Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine [Electronic resource] − Official website of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine − Access mode:
- Ukraine Law on Education. Access mode:
- Law of Ukraine On Full Secondary Education Access mode: http://r https://r
- Basic component. Access mode:
- Kalaur, S. M. (2018). System of professional training of future specialists in the social sphere to resolve conflicts in professional activity (Doctoral dissertation, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk).
11. Strelbytska, S. M. Formation of basic competencies of future social workers in the process of professional training (Doctoral dissertation, Odesa, 2019).
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