1 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
32 0:2 Exam
Introduction to the specialty in the pedagogy fundamentals (012 “Preschool education”) 32 32 2:2 Exam

2 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
32 0:2 Exam

3 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
180 0:11,3 Setoff
32 2:0 Setoff

4 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
48 48 3:3 Exam
32 2:0 Exam

5 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
32 16 2:1 Exam
16 1:0 Exam
Preschool linguistic didactics
Preschool linguistic didactics
32 32 2:2 Exam

6 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting

32 64 2:4 Exam

7 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Actual problems of preschool education (012 Preschool education) 32 16 2:1 Setoff
practical English 0:0 Exam

8 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
40 0:2,5 Setoff
methodology of teaching English in PEI 0:0 Exam