Project Activity in Social and Pedagogical Spheres

Type: Normative

Department: social pedagogy and social work




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
820Associate Professor Loboda Viktoriya


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
840PERHA Anastasiia

Course description

The course “Project activity in social and pedagogical spheres” allows students – future social pedagogues:
· find an effective solution to a social problem,
· find out what a quality project looks like and how to prepare it,
· try their hand at developing a project proposal to attract resources and mobilise stakeholders.

During the course, students are able to:
· learn theoretical concepts related to the field of study,
· for each topic, pass a test in order to identify their level of knowledge of basic concepts regarding project management in social and pedagogical spheres,
· analyse real cases (project concepts) and learn how to evaluate them according to the defined criteria and indicators;
· in a team, to develop a project concept.

Recommended Literature

  1. A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK guide) and the Standard for project management (2021)
  2. Bezpalko O.V. Social design: a textbook / O. V. Bezpalko // Kyiv University named after B. Hrinchenko, Institute of Psychology and Social Pedagogy . – Kyiv, 2010. – 127 p.
  3. Grantwriting: methodological recommendations for public authorities on writing project applications / edited by O. Kulinich. — Kharkiv: Golden Pages, 2015. — 80 p.
  4. Loboda V.V. Knowledge management: e-learning project management in the community of practices: sustainable development: study guide // Edited by by I. Katernyak, T. Mamatova. – Kyiv: Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralization Support for Ukraine” DESPRO, 2021. – 193 p.
  5. Semez A. A. Social-pedagogical design: Educational and methodological guide for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions, specialty 6.010106 Social pedagogy. — Kirovohrad: RVV KDPU named after V. Vynnychenka, 2012. — 132 p.

