Viktoriya Loboda
Position: Associate Professor, social pedagogy and social work Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Phone (office): (+38 032) 239-44-98
Google Scholar profile:
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Research interests
Entrepreneurship education; Social entrepreneurship; Design thinking; IT in education / eLearning; Knowledge management; English for professional communication; Cross-cultural communication.
- Development of Design Thinking
- Modern information technology in professional activities
- Project Activity in Social and Pedagogical Spheres
- Project Management in Social Work
- Psychological and Pedagogical Principles of Interpersonal Communication and Basics of Conflict Theory
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Professional English
Key Publications:
- Entrepreneurial Momentum for Sustainable Growth / I. Katernyak, V. Loboda // Sustainable Organizations – Models, Applications, and New Perspectives. Jose C. Sánchez-García and Brizeida Hernández-Sánchez, IntechOpen, 2021. (DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.95099. ISBN 978-1-83880-963-8) Режим доступу: (Web of Science)
- Subashkevych, I., Korniat, V., Loboda, V., Sihetii, I., Opachko, M., & Sirant, N. (2021). Using Moodle in an Information Educational Environment of HEIs under Distance Learning. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(4), 346-357. (Web of Science)
- Using Youtube video resources to form a tolerant attitude towards children with special educational needs / Subashkevych Iryna, Korniat Vira, Loboda Viktoriya // Неперервна професійна освіта: теорія і практика : збірник наукових праць. – Київ «Едельвейс». — 2020. — №3. — С.78—86. DOI:
1609-8595.2020.3.9 (Index Copernicus) - The development level of SMART information criterion for specislists’ readiness for inclusion implementation in education (Стан сформованості смарт-інформаційного критерію готовності фахівців до реалізації інклюзії в освіті)/ Sheremet, M., Leniv, Z., Loboda, V., & Maksymchuk, B. (2019) Information Technologies and Learning Tools (Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання), 72 (4), 273-285. Режим доступу до журн.: DOI: (Web of Science)
- Fundamentals of Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnostics of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Основи психолого-педагогічної діагностики дітей із розладами спектра аутизму) / Катерина Островська, Ігор Островський, Вікторія Лобода // Проблеми сучасної психології. – 2018. – Випуск 42. – С. 133-151. – DOI10.32626/2227-6246.2018-42.133-151 (Index Copernicus)
- Developing Entrepreneurial Mindset in University Undergraduates / Loboda, V., Ostrovskyi, I., & Katernyak, I. – E-Methodology. – Vol. 5, No. 5. – 2018. – pp. 114-131. Режим доступу до журн.: (Index Copernicus)
- eLearning within the community of practice for sustainable development / Katernyak, I., Loboda, V. and Kulya, M. – Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning. – Vol. 8 No. 3. – 2018. –
pp. 312-322. Режим доступу до журн.: (SCOPUS) - Loboda V. E-Learning on ‘Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings’ in the Community of Practice / O. Horbunova, I. Katernyak, V. Loboda // ICHT 2017 : 19th International Conference on Human Trafficking. – Prague, Czech Republic. – March 23-24, 2017. :
- Loboda V. Experience-based eLearning in virtual environments / Viktoriya Loboda // Transformations in cultural, social and educational activity. Challenges towards contemporary Europe. – Collective scientific work, ed. A.Roguska, A.Antas-Jaszczuk. – Siedlce, 2016. – P. 117-126.
- Loboda V. Cognitive presence and effect of immersion in virtual learning environment / I. Katernyak, V. Loboda. – Universal Journal of Education Research : Horizon Research Publishing Corporation. – Vol. 4, No. 11. – 2016. : (ERIC; Google Scholar)
- Loboda V. Knowledge management and the effect of immersion in virtual learnign environments / I. Katernyak, V. Loboda, O. Garnets, M. Kulya // Proceedings of Global Learn 2016 Conference. – Limerick, Ireland, 2016. – P. 234-239. :
- Loboda V. Effective ways to organize work-based training and re-training of practitioners using e-Learning / В. Лобода // Міжнародний конгрес зі спеціальної педагогіки, психології та реабілітології «Освіта дітей з особливими потребами: від інституалізації до інклюзії». – Вінниця : Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, 2016.
- Loboda V. eLearning Environment as Means of Inclusion of Students with Special Needs / Viktoriya Loboda // Within the sphere of inclusions issues : Polish and Ukrainian scientific experience exchange. – Collective scientific work. – Wydawnictwo UPH w Siedlcach, Polska, 2015. – P. 35-42.
- Лобода В. В. Kompetentność budująca model przygotowań praktyczno orientowanych logopedów / L. Kashuba, V. Loboda. – Nowoczesna edukacja: filozofia, innowacja, doswiadczenie – Lodz, Wyźsza Szkoła Informatyki i Umiejętności, 2015. – P. 133-136. (Index Copernicus)
- Loboda V. Strategy for entrepreneurship education at Ivan Franko National University “Towards creating innovation hub in IT area” / I. Katernyak, V. Loboda, V. Kukharskyy, Ya.Savula // Сучасні проблеми прикладної математики та інформатики : зб. наук. праць І Міжнародної ХХ Всеукраїнської наук. конф. (April 7-9, 2014) / Lviv : I. Franko NUL, 2014. – 163 pp. – P. 18-19.
- Loboda V. Students’ Immersion in eLearning Environment – a shift to Experience Education / V. Loboda, I. Katernyak // Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning «Engaging Students through Emerging Technologies». – The Open University of Hong Kong, StPaul’s Convent School, Hong Kong SAR, 2012.
- Loboda V. Designing an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Engineering and Management / V.Loboda, I. Katernyak, S. Ekman, A. Ekman // International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED09), Design Society and Stanford University, 2009. : ;
- Loboda V. eLearning: from social presence to co-creation in virtual education community / M. Sheremet, V. Loboda, I. Katernyak // Interactive Technology and Smart Education. – Volume 6, Issue 4 (ICT2009 Conference special issue), 2009. – P.215-222. : (SCOPUS, ERIC, Civil Engineering Abtracts, INSPEC)
- Loboda V. Innovation and Creativity in Virtual Learning Community [Електронний ресурс] / V. Loboda, I. Katernyak // 5th International Conference on Multimedia and ICT: m-ICTE2009. :
- Loboda, V. Value innovation and Medici effect in ODL / Katernyak, V. Loboda, Ekman, S., Ekman, A. // E-learning and Multicultural Education: Digital Divide and Digital Opportunities Workshop, Università Telematica “Guglielmo Marconi”, Rome, Italy. 2008. :
- Loboda V. еLeaning and Value Innovations in Virtual Education Community / V. Loboda, M. Sheremet, I. Katernyak, Zh. Katernyak, S. Ekman, A. Ekman // 11th International Conference on Humans and Computers HC 2008, Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT), Japan. :
- Loboda V. Pedagogical approaches and creativity in culturally diverse virtual education community / I. Katernyak, V. Loboda, S.Ekman, A. Ekman // 2008 International Conference of ICT in teaching and Learning. – The Open University of Hong Kong SAR, 2008. :
- Loboda V. Virtual Deaf Community College – a challenge to deafness and isolation / I. Katernyak, V. Loboda // CADE/AMTEC International Conference 2007 “Connecting in the Global Village. – Session Presenters Bios and Abstracts. – Canada, Winnipeg, University of Alberta, May 13-16, 2007. – – 132 pp. – P. 47-48.
- Loboda V. E-Learning and International Education Network for the Deaf / V. Loboda, I. Katernyak, M. Katernyak // ATVN-EU-GP Conference Proceedings. – National Institute of Telecommunications, 2005.
- Loboda V. On-Line Tutoring in Global Education Environment / V. Loboda, I. Katernyak, M. Tomyn // 20th ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, The Future of learning – Learning for the Future: Shaping the Transition. Dusseldorf, Germany, 2001. – :
2013–Present: Associate Professor Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine Lecturer in: Psychological and Pedagogical Principles of Interpersonal Communication; Design Thinking; Advertising Technology in Social Work; IT and software in Social Work; English for professional purposes. Educational researcher. |
1994–Present: freelance Interpreter (consecutive / simultaneous), Translator, Proof-reader (languages: Ukrainian and Russian – bilingual, native speaker; English – fluent written and spoken; Polish – proficient) |
2000–Present: Co-Founder Ukrainian Distance Learning System, NGO Expert and Trainer in IT Solutions for Education and Knowledge Management – assistance in developing, designing and conducting over 50 eLearning courses in various subjects; – managing Internet-based learning/communication environments, CoP, online conferences and forums; – corporate e-training for faculty staff and professional development courses in networked learning. |
Previous work experience1996–2013: Senior Academic Staff member, Interpreter Lviv Institute of Management |
1993–1995: Teacher of the English language and literature First Lviv Gymnasium, Ukraine |
2011 | PhD (Candidate of Sciences) in Special Education and Psychology M. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine |
1996 | Master of Business Administration Lviv Institute of Management, Ukraine; Wayne State University, USA |
1995 | Master of Arts in Romance and German Languages and Literature, Diploma with honour Philologist, Teacher of the English Language and Literature, Translator Ivan Franko State University of Lviv, Ukraine |
Combatting Human Trafficking, International Office for Migration, Mission in Ukraine, 2015-2020 |
Education for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E4E&I), Swedish-Ukrainian-Georgian Project, 2012-2014 |
Decentralization of Local Governance in Ukraine (DESPRO), Swiss-Ukrainian Project, 2010-Present |
Ukrainian Business Development Centres project administered by Malardalen University, Sweden, 2006-2010 |
Business Management and Distance Education project administered by Loyola College, Maryland, USA |
e-Learning: Knowledge Management in Virtual Learning Environment project founded by the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy |
ICT in Teaching Practice – Matra Programme, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ukraine and Moldova |
New Quality of Training and Business Consulting with Effective Use of ICT, Ukraine-Canada SBEDIF Centre |
Active Learning in the Context of Virtual Presence US-Ukrainian-Polish project managed by CEUME and Minnesota University, funded by USAID |
Social Partnerships – Paradigm for Success – the World Bank Project for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, 2004 |
Distance Learning in Management Education – project conducted in partnership with Loyola College, Maryland, USA, and administered by the U.S. Department of State |
Received numerous certificates and awards for the development, organization and administration of eLearning (onlene) courses and programs: :
- from the World Bank (2002),
- from the State Fund for Local Self-Government in Ukraine and the Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralization Support (DESPRO) project (certificates in 2011, 2013 and 2013; awards in 2013, 2015, 2016. and 2017),
- from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Academy of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine (in 2014 and 2018).
In 2015, received a Сertificate of Appreciation issued by Prof. V. Melnyk, Rector of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, for high professionalism and many years of conscientious scientific and pedagogical work.
In 2016, received a Letter of Acknowledgment on behalf of Prof. V. Sinyov, President of the Ukrainian Association of Special Educators. for active involvement in the activities of the Lviv branch of the NGO “Association of Special Educators of Ukraine”.
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