Psychological and Pedagogical Principles of Interpersonal Communication and Basics of Conflict Theory
Type: Normative
Department: social pedagogy and social work
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
1 | 3.5 | Setoff |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
1 | 32 | Associate Professor Loboda Viktoriya |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
1 | 32 | PERHA Anastasiia |
Course description
While studying the discipline, students are able to learn more about the characteristic features of interpersonal communication (IPC), about its types, structure, and main functions, consider examples of the implementation of IPC in various situations and contexts, and also know strategies for effective resolution of conflict situations.
The purpose of the educational discipline is to provide basic information about the essence of the concept of “interpersonal communication”, its types, structure and functions, as well as to learn about violations and barriers in IPC through concrete examples and during role-plays, as well as to work out ways to overcome them and to resolve conflicts. Students will need this knowledge and skills in their future social and pedagogical activities.
Recommended Literature
- Bern E. Games people play / Eric Bern. – Club of family leisure, 2001. – 256 p.
- Belykh O. M. Problems at the level of non-verbal communication // Scientific Bulletin of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, # 7. – P. 305-309.
- Kalaрhr S.M. Social conflictology: study guide / S.M. Kalahur, Z.Z. Falynska – Ternopil : Aston, – 360 p.
- Kovalchuk L. Fundamentals of pedagogical mastery: a study guide / Larysa Kovalchuk. – Lviv : Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2007. – 608 p.
- Set of educational programs “Peaceful resolution of conflicts. Basic skills of mediation” / V. L. Andreyenkova, K. B. Levchenko, N. V. Lunchenko, M. M. Matviychuk. – Kyiv : Agency “Ukraine” LLC, – 144 p.
- Conflictology: a summary of lectures / V.Ya. Halahan, V.F. Orlov, O.M. Otych – Kyiv : DETUT, 2008. – 293 p.
- Conflictology: teaching manual / L. M. Herasina, M. P. Trebin, V. D. Vodnik and others. — Kharkiv. — 128 p.
- Kruchek V. A. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of interpersonal communication / Study Guide. – Kyiv.
How miscommunication happens:
Empathy vs. Sympathy (Brené Brown):