Methodology of competence formation in the field of art education (013 “Primary education”).
Type: Normative
Department: preschool and primary education
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
5 | 32 | Associate Professor Novoselska N. | FPSH-31, FPSH-32 |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
5 | 32 | FPSH-31 | Associate Professor Novoselska N. |
Course description
The subject of study of the academic discipline is the theoretical aspects of art history and the methodological principles of training students of primary education in visual arts. The course provides students with the practical skills and technical skills necessary to lead the artistic activities of elementary school students.
The content of the educational discipline is based on universal human values and principles of science, consistency, continuity and continuity of the content of general art education, the unity of education and upbringing. The principles of polyartism, integrability, and variability make it possible to fully apply and adapt to this program one’s creative potential, pedagogical experience, to differentiate tasks, their interpretation and analysis, to form innovative approaches and methods.
Recommended Literature
Literature: 1. Hnatyuk M. V. Visual and decorative and applied art. 2. Masol L.M. Educational and methodological manual. The new Ukrainian school: teaching methods of the integrated course "Art" in grades 1-2 based on the competence approach / Lyudmila Masol. – Kyiv: Geneza, 2019. – 208 p. 3. Masol L.M. Educational and methodological manual. New Ukrainian school: teaching methods of the integrated course "Art" in 3-4 grades based on the competence approach / Lyudmila Masol. – Kyiv: Geneza, 2020. – 160 p. 4. Volosheniuk O.V. Methodology of formation of media literacy skills in the classes of the integrated course "Art" at the National Academy of Sciences. Educational and methodological manual.— Kyiv: Academy of the Ukrainian Press, Center of the Free Press, 2020. — 54. p. 5. Larionova N. Electronic educational game resources in the educational process of primary sсhool: scientifically methodical guide. Kharkiv: Madrid Printing House, 2020. 96 p 6. Bibik N.M. The new Ukrainian school: a teacher's guide / by General ed. N.M. Bibik - Kyiv: Literatura LTD, 2019. - 208 p.