Halyna Pyatakova
Position: Professor, of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Higher Education Department
Scientific degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-47-65
Research interests
Usage of interactive methods of teaching in high school, professional and pedagogical preparation of Masters of Philology, innovational technologies as means of preparation of Masters in classical universities, interactive methods and their involving into educational process in high school;theory and methodology of didactic preparation Masters of Philology in universities of Ukraine and the countries of Visegrad Group; the peculiarities of teaching Ukrainian language as foreign in Institute of Slavic philology in philology faculty of Ukrainian department of Wroclaw University.
Selected publications
- Halyna Pіatakova, Nadiya Yashyn, The Problem of Educating the Succeeding Generations in the Spirit of Tolerance / Educationalists versus Politicians – Who Should Integrate Europe for Wellbeing of all Inhabitants/editors: Ryszard Kucha, Henryk Cudak. Spoleczna Akademia Nauk, Łodź. Studia i Monografia №73. Łodź – Warshawa 2017. – S. 103-120. – 430 s.
- Halyna Pyatakova, Nataliya Ratushnyak. The preparation peculiarities of the masters of english philology in the European universities in the context of changing language policy / SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION AS A WAY OF BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER – MULTIPLE STORIES FROM EUROPE AND ABOUT/ editors: Vasul Galuzyak,Ryszard Kucha, Anatoliy Vykhrusch. – Spoleczna Akademia Nauk, Łodź. Studia I Monografia №83. Łodź – Warshawa 2018. – S. 398-414. – 426 s.
Scientific biography
Education. Lviv university of Ivan Franko (1976-1981)
Experience.Secondary school at the Consulate (city K-M.Stadt, GDR), teacher of Russian language (1981-1985);
Secondary school № 21 in Ternopil, teacher (1985-1987);
Ternopil pedagogics institute, an assistant of the department of foreign and Russian literature (1986-1989);
Lviv National University of Ivan Franko, an assistant of Russian literature department in the department of Philology (1989-2002);
Lviv National University of Ivan Franko, an assistant professor of the department of general and social pedagogics (since 2002);
Candidate dissertation on the topic “Prose of M.D. Chulkova in the context of novel creation XVIIІ-XIX c” specialization 10.01.05 – comparative literary criticism (2001).
In 2021 r. secured dissertation for them degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences on a theme “Trends in the Professional Training of the Philology Masters at the Universities of the Visegrad Group Countries”, specialty 13.00.04 «Theory and Methods of Vocational Training».
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