Basics of health with teaching methods 013

Type: Normative

Department: preschool and primary education


SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
614Vinarchuk Nataliia


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
614Vinarchuk Nataliia

Course description

The educational discipline “Fundamentals of health with teaching methods” is taught to students of the third year, correspondence form of education, specialty 013 Primary education

The purpose of teaching the educational discipline “Fundamentals of health with teaching methods” is to form the readiness of future teachers to interact with children of primary school age, to ensure the comprehensive development of children and the continuity between preschool and primary education in the conditions of the introduction of the Basic component of preschool education and the Concept of the New Ukrainian School , formation of students’ professional competence regarding the organization and implementation of educational and extracurricular work on the basics of health.

As a result of studying the educational discipline “Fundamentals of health with teaching methods”, students must achieve the following general and special (professional) competencies:

a) general competencies (CG):

ZK1. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.

ZK- 4. The ability to communicate in the native language both orally and in writing.

b) special (professional) competences (FC):

FC- 5. Diagnostic (possession of philosophical knowledge, theory and methodology (approaches, principles) of problem recognition, 6 the ability of a teacher to study the abilities of physical, mental, intellectual development, the level of moral and aesthetic education, the conditions of family life and raising children).

FC-11. The ability to take preventive measures to preserve the life and health of subjects of pedagogical interaction, countering and preventing bullying, various manifestations of violence.

Recommended Literature

Basic literature:
1. Balbenko S. Fundamentals of health and physical culture: method. manual for teachers / S. Balbenko. — Kh.: Skorpion, 2004. — 96 p. — (Subject week).
2. New Ukrainian school: a teacher’s guide / under general ed. Bibik N.M. — K.: Pleiady Publishing House LLC, 2017. — 206 p.
3. The concept of teaching a healthy lifestyle on the basis of skill development / Author-edited. Marie Noel Belo. K.: Geneza, 2005.-80 p.
4. Basics of health. Curriculum for general educational institutions. 1-4 classes.
Supporting literature:

1. Preventive education portal – textbooks, manuals, lesson plans, presentations, videos, cartoons.
2. “Vseosvita” LLC: Basics of health – methodical materials.
3. Project “About healthy” – recommendations on healthy nutrition, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
4. Educational site “School Education” –
5. Electronic platform “New Ukrainian School”,
6. Electronic platform “New Ukrainian School”,
7. Volodarska M.O. All lessons from the Basics of Health course. Grades 1-4 / M. O. Volodarska. – H.: Ed. “Osnova” group, 2009. – 490 p. – (Series “All lessons in primary school”).


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