Multicultural competence of the teacher
Type: Normative
Department: preschool and primary education
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
8 | Derkach Y. |
Course description
The purpose of studying the discipline: “Multicultural Competence of the Teacher”, which is taught in English, is the study and assimilation of the basic concepts and categories of language as a mean of communication between representatives of different nationalities; promoting the formation of multicultural competence of future teachers by forming their readiness for teaching pupils in a multicultural environment, based on new approaches to modern education.
Recommended Literature
List of References
1.Gudmanian A.G. Fundamental Theories of Intercultural Communication [Text] / Artur G. Gudmanian, Natalia S/ Borysenko. – К.: НАУ-ДРУК, 2010. – 72 c.
2.Gudykunst W.B. Cross-cultural and intercultural communication [Text] / William B. Gudykunst. – Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2003. – 312 p.
3.Jandt F.E. An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identifies in a Global Community [Text] / Fred E. Jandt. – 5th ed. – Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 2007. – 444 p.
4. International Journal of Multicultural Education. 2019-2021.
5. Kim Y.Y. Becoming Intercultural: An Integrative Theory of Communication and Cross-cultural Adaptation (Current Communication: An Advanced Text) [Text] / Young Y. Kim. – Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, CA, 2000. – 336 p.
6. Multicultural Education. Universities and research institutions in United States. 2020-2021.
7. Samovar L.A. Communication between Cultures (Wadsworth Series in Communication Studies) [Text] / Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, Edwin R. McDaniel. – 6th ed. – London: Wadsworth Publishing, 2006. – 432 p.
8. Ting-Toomey S. Communicating across Cultures [Text] / Stella Ting-Toomey. – New York, NY: The Guilford Press, 2000. – 310 p.