Lesiya Sikorska
Position: Associate Professor, special pedagogy Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Email: lesya.sikorska@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com
ORCID profile: orcid.org
Facebook profile: www.facebook.com
More than 70 publications in scientific journals.
Experience of scientific, pedagogical and practical work as a psychologist for 26 years: from a teacher of mathematics and computer science at a secondary school in Slovita village, Zolochiv rayon of Lviv Oblast, a teacher of mathematics at Vuzlove secondary school and a practical psychologist at Vuzlove natural and economic lyceum in Vuzlove village, Radekhiv rayon of Lviv Oblast, a psychologist in the police battalion, the Department of the State Guard, a lecturer of the Department of Psychology at Lviv Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM); Associate Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology at Lviv State University of Internal Affairs and Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at the Precarpathian Institute of IAPM, – to Associate Professor of the Department of Special Education and Inclusion of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. For many years, she led the scientific group of the Department of Practical Psychology at Lviv State University of Internal Affairs and was an advisor to student groups.
Education. In 1993 and 1998 – graduated from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, majoring in Mathematics and then in Psychology, with the corresponding qualifications: a Teacher of Mathematics; and a Psychologist, Practicing Psychologist and a Teacher of Psychology.
In 2001 – graduated from Lviv Theological Academy (now the Catholic University), majored in Christian Ethics and qualification Teacher of Christian Ethics.
Since 2000 – a scientific correspondent of the Institute of Psychology named after G. Kostyuk.
In 2009 – defended Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Psychological conditions for optimizing interpersonal relationships of students at the initial stage of studying” in specialty 19.00.07 – pedagogical and age psychology.
Took a number of additional trainings and courses.
Scientific work. Author of more than 70 scientific publications, a co-author of the collective monograph. A course of lectures and a textbook on “Psychology of stress” have been published.
Skills: presentation skills, audience management skills, PC skills, successful experience of professional psychological selection, provision of informational and psychological services, proficient in Russian and Polish, a driving license.
Personal qualities: Responsible, hardworking, considerate, have good communication skills, stress resistance, ability to argue own position, ability to work with a large amount of information, organizational skills, teamwork, sense of humor, interested in craftsmanship and travel.
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