Vira Korniat
Position: Associate Professor, social pedagogy and social work Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Google Scholar profile:
Research interests
Research interests
Professional training of future social educators, providing the continuity and sequence of vocational education, innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process
Korniat V. Profesional Training of Future Social Workers for P&D Activities / Povidaichuk O., Khomenko S/. Korniat V., Cherneta S., & Martirosian L. // Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. − 2021. − 13(2). − P. 110–131.
2015 | Scientific internship at West Finland College + intensive English language course |
2015 | Defence of the dissertation for a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Degree («The formation of diagnostic skills of future social educators in the process of vocational training in pedagogical colleges»), speciality 13.00.04 – The Theory and Methods of Vocational Education,Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University |
2012 – 2015 | Postgraduate student of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Theory and History of Pedagogy Department) |
1998 – 2000 | Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Institute of Postgraduate Education for research staff, specialty – «Psychology» |
1991 – 1994 | Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, specialty – «Pedagogy and psychology» (pre-school) |
1987 – 1991 | Lviv Pedagogical School №1, specialty «Pre-school education» |
Work experience
September 2016 – to date | An Associate Professor of the Department of Correction Pedagogy and Inclusion, Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
The vocational subjects lecturer of Social Pedagogy, Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (part-time) |
2001 – 2016 | The vocational subjects lecturer of Social Pedagogy, Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv |
2013 – 2016 | A Senior Lecturer of the Department of Correction Pedagogy and Inclusion, Faculty of Pedagogical education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (part-time). |
1994 – 2001 | A Supervisor of Lviv Pre-school Educational Institution №130. |
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