Mariia-Tereza Sholovii
Position: Lecturer, preschool and primary education Department
Phone (office): (032) 239-42-30
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Research interests
Linguo-cultural aspect in language education of primary school teachers.
ICT at primary school
Integrated learning.
Educational environmental projects.
1 Sholovii M.-T. I. Preparation of the future primary school teacher to work with children with special needs / M.-T.I. Sholovii. – Materials of reported scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2016. – Issue 1. – P. 43 – 46.
2. Sholovii M.-T. I. Formation of information and communication competence of junior school students/ M.-T.I. Sholovii. – Materials of reported scientific conferences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2020. – Issue 5. – P. 42 – 45.
3. Sholovii M.-T. I. Information and communication competence as a component of the professional competence of a primary school teacher / M. T. I. Sholovii. – Actual problems of professional training of modern teachers: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference (November 9-10, 2020, Kherson). Kherson, 2020. – P.504-511.
4. Sholovii M.-T. I. The problem of organizing integrated education in primary school/ M. T. I. Sholovii. -Materials of the conferences of the ICND. Odesa, 2020. – P.41-43
5. Sholovii M.-T.I. Integrated education in primary school/ M. T. I. Sholovii. – Pedagogical education in the light of reforms and challenges: materials of the First (I) scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists (Lviv, March 18-19, 2021). Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2021. P. 36-42
6. Nataliia M. Vinarchuk, Olha S. Haliuka, Mariia-Tereza I. Sholovii. Features of Using Health-Saving and IC-Technologies in the Formation of a SociallyMobile Teacher in a Pandemic Condition. Mukachevo:MSU Publishing House, 2021. – Vol.7,№2 – P.70-78
7. Sholovii M.-T. I. Integrated education in elementary school: theoretical aspect. Innovative pedagogy. 2021. No. 35. P. 186-189
8. Sholovii M.-T. I. Information and communication competence of a teacher and a primary school student: theoretical aspect. Current issues of humanitarian sciences. 2021. Issue 37, Volume 3. P.298-303
9. Sholovii M.-T.I. Information and communication competence in the system of professional teacher training. Actual problems of higher professional education: a collection of scientific works / edited by L.V. Baranovska – K.: NAU, 2021. P.83
10. Sholovii M.-T.I. Integrated learning is the way to quality education. Report scientific conference of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, February 4, 2021, Lviv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – P.35-37
In 2013 – graduated from the Pedagogical College of Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko, received a bachelor’s degree in “Primary Education” and received a qualification “Bachelor of Primary Education. Teacher of English at Primary school. “(with honors)
In 2014 – got Master Diploma, complited the full course of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University and obtained complete higher education in the speciality “Primary Education” and obtained qualification of teacher of pedagogy and methodology of primary education.
Since 2015 – Assistant of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Since 2019 – postgraduate student of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
The goal of the project: to explore each region of Ukraine, its peculiarities, to connect cardboard puzzles with decorative images, using different techniques, into a single whole . ❤️Performed by students of the 2nd year of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Department of Primary and Preschool Education. Lecturers: Bacha O.V., Sholovii M.-T.I.
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