Social, pedagogical and psychological work in the community (231M – Social Work)
Type: Normative
Department: social pedagogy and social work
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
9 | 3 | Exam |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
9 | 16 | Stoliaryk Olha |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
9 | 16 | Stoliaryk Olha |
Course description
The course “Social, pedagogical and psychological work in the community” is focused on the formation of theoretical and methodological tools for the organization and implementation of social, pedagogical and psychological work with various categories of clients in the conditions of the territorial community. The course reveals the theoretical foundations of social, pedagogical and psychological work in the community; considers the community as the object of the social worker’s work; analyzes the models and methods of work of a social worker in the community and provides their substantive characteristics; determines the tasks and strategies of the social worker in the community; reveals the peculiarities of social work in local communities; reveals the psychological meaning of the community in the system of socio-psychological categories
Mastering this course should produce the ability to find, process, systematize and analyze information necessary for solving professional and scientific tasks in the field of social, pedagogical and psychological work in the community.
The aim of the course is for students to acquire knowledge of theoretical and applied aspects of social, pedagogical and psychological work at the community level.
1. Acquaintance of students with the retrospective development of social, psychological and pedagogical work in the community in foreign and domestic scientific discourse.
2. Students acquire knowledge about basic scientific approaches to organizing work with the community and basic, interdisciplinary models of social work at the community level.
3. Acquaintance of students with interdisciplinary multi-aspect multi-level analysis of social work methods at the community level.
4. Formation of professional competencies regarding the full cycle of case management in working with the community based on a sustainable systemic approach and socio-pedagogical and psychological knowledge.
Competencies and program learning outcomes (according to the educational program)
Integral competence:
IC The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems of professional activity, the learning process, which involves conducting research and applying certain theories, methods of social work, social-psychological rehabilitation, and scientific-research, scientific-pedagogical activity is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions and requirements.
General competences:
GC 1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
GC 6. The ability to show initiative and entrepreneurship.
GC 7. Ability to adapt and act in a new situation.
GC 8. The ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
GC 9. Skills of interpersonal interaction.
GC 10. Ability to work in a team.
Professional competences:
PC1. Ability to understand and use modern theories, methodologies and methods of social and other sciences, including methods of mathematical statistics and quantitative sociological methods, in relation to tasks of fundamental and applied research in the field of social work.
PC2. The ability to identify socially significant problems and factors for achieving social well-being of various population groups.
PC3. Ability to professionally diagnose, forecast, project and model social situations.
PC4. Ability to implement methods and technologies of innovative practice and management in the system of social work.
PC5. The ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of various levels (experts from other industries/types of economic activity), to establish interaction between state, public and commercial organizations on the basis of social partnership.
PC6. The ability to evaluate the process and result of professional activity and the quality of social services.
PC8. Ability for joint activity and group motivation, facilitation of group decision-making processes.
PC9. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and own conclusions to specialists and non-specialists.
PC10. The ability to show initiative and entrepreneurship to solve social problems through the implementation of social innovations
PC 18. The ability to understand and define the strategic goals of social development at the level of the community, the region, develop a strategic plan for the development of the community and promote the activation and consolidation of the efforts of community members to implement it.
Program learning outcomes:
PLO 1. Solve complex tasks and problems that require updating and integration of knowledge in conditions of incomplete/insufficient information and conflicting requirements.
PLO10. Analyze the social and individual context of the problems of the person, family, social group, community, formulate the purpose and tasks of social work, plan interventions in difficult and unpredictable circumstances in accordance with the values of social work.
PLO11. Organize the joint activities of specialists from various fields and non-professionals, prepare them to perform social work tasks, initiate team formation and coordinate team work.
PLO17. Independently build and maintain purposeful, professional relationships with a wide range of people, representatives of various communities and organizations, argue, convince, conduct constructive negotiations, productive conversations, discussions, be tolerant of alternative opinions.
PLO18. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards one’s profession and comply with the ethical principles and standards of social work with one’s behavior.
PLO19. To carry out social and psychological rehabilitation practices for vulnerable groups of clients, to organize the provision of complex assistance, support, and integration into society.
PLO20. Determine the strategic goals of the social development of the community, the region, develop a community development plan and apply methods and techniques of activation and consolidation of community members for its implementation.
PLO 21. To implement the results of scientific research in practical activities.
Keywords Community, territorial community, social work, pedagogical work, psychological work, provision of social services, community activation.
Prerequisites To study the course, students need basic knowledge of the disciplines “Management of social work”, “Non-state sector in the social sphere”, “Technologies of social design”, “Social technologies of community activation and development”.
Educational methods and techniques that will be used when teaching the course Explanatory-illustrative, research, search (heuristic), problem presentation educational material, interactive and methods of stimulating learning (conversation, brainstorming, discussion, work in pairs/groups, etc.), visual (presentations, demonstration of video materials), design (creating projects), work with educational and methodological literature.
Necessary equipment Multimedia projector, flip chart, markers, access to the Internet.
Academic Integrity: Project proposals prepared by Master’s students are expected to be a continuation of their practical work and to be original research or reasoning. Lack of references to used sources, fabrication of sources, plagiarism, unauthorized use of information from projects of other course participants are, but are not limited to, examples of possible academic dishonesty. The discovery of signs of academic dishonesty in a student’s work is a reason for its failure by the teacher, regardless of the scale of plagiarism or deception.
Attending classes is an important part of learning. All students are expected to attend all lectures and practical sessions of the course. Students must inform the teacher about the impossibility to attend classes. Students are required to adhere to all deadlines set for the completion of all types of work provided in the course.
Literature. All literature that students cannot find on their own will be provided by the teacher for educational purposes only, without the right to transfer it to third parties. Students are also encouraged to use other literature and sources that are not among the recommended ones.
Recommended Literature
Basic educational literature
- Bezpalko O. V. Social work in the community: study guide. Kyiv: TsNL, 2005. 176 p.
- Volkovynskyi, S. V. (2020). Modern models of social work in the territorial community. Modern Ukrainian studentship: problems and value orientations, 33.
- Karaman, O. L., & Yurkiv, Y. I. (2019). Vulnerable categories of the population as an object of social work in the community. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University. Pedagogical Sciences, (6 (329) Part 1), 5-15.
- Kiyanytsia Z. P., Petrochko Zh. V. Modern landmarks and key technologies. Social work with vulnerable families and children: manual. in the 2nd hour; Ch. I. Kyiv: RENEWAL COMPANY, 2017. 256 p.
- Kolyada, N., Kravchenko, O., & Kucher, H. (2018). Social work with school-aged children in the community: practical experience. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: “Pedagogy. Social work”, (2 (43)), 126-132.
- Kucher, G., & Kravchenko, O. (2019). Inclusive social rehabilitation tourism as a component of social work in the community (using the example of the city of Uman). Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: “Pedagogy. Social work”, (2 (45)), 109-114.
- Kucher, G. M. (2018). Innovations of social work in the community with families in difficult life circumstances. Collection of scientific papers [Kherson State University]. Pedagogical Sciences, (82 (2)), 207-212.
- Kucher, H. M. (2019). Social work with vulnerable categories of the population in the conditions of the territorial community (Doctoral dissertation, Uman, 2019. 301 p. URL: https://nauka. udpu. edu. ua/wpcontent/uploads/2019/03/Дисертация-Кучер. pdf (Date application: November 20, 2021.)).
- Payne, M. (2000). Modern theory of social work. K.: B.V., 456.
- Popova, A. O. (2016). Social work with children in local communities. Bulletin of the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, (133), 174-176.
- Semigina, T. (2015). International social work: global priorities of social development and a new definition of social work. Bulletin of the APSV. (1), 6-11.
- Semigina, T. (2005). Social services at the community level: Ukrainian experience and perspectives. 134
- Semigina, T. V. (2004). Community work: practice and policy. K.: Ed. KM Academy building, 180.
- Semigina, T. V. (2006). A model of social planning at the local level. Scientific notes of NaUKMA, 59, 61-67.
- Semigina, T. V. (2007). Organization of the provision of social services at the community level as a general trend in the development of social work. Social policy, social work and health care: how Ukraine can achieve the European level of quality of services, 35-39.
- Semigina, T. V., & Lykhovyd, D. O. (2015). How to turn the population into a community? (Socio-technological aspects of territorial community development). Scientific notes of NaUKMA. Sociological Sciences, (174), 81-85.
- Semigina, T. (2018). Development of own theories of social work: global trends // Developmental potential of modern social work: methodology and technologies: materials of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference (March 15-16, 2018, Kyiv) / Ed. Yu.M. Schwalba Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko KNU, 2018. P. 90-194. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
- Semigina, T. (2018). Why does social work become green?. Bulletin of the Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, (2), 11-27.
- Slozantska, G. I. (2016). Activities of a social work specialist to provide social services to the population in the territorial community. Collection of scientific works of the Khmelnytskyi Institute of Social Technologies of the University “Ukraine”. K.: University “Ukraine”, (12). 113-118.
- Slozanska, G. (2016). Ensuring access to social services in the conditions of united territorial communities. Social Work and Education, 2(2).
- Slozanska, G. I. (2016). Community organization as a method of social work in the community. Bulletin of the Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. Series: “Pedagogical Sciences”, (16).
- Slozanska, G. I., & Horishna, N. M. (2016). Activities of a social work specialist to provide social services to the population in the territorial community. Collection of scientific works of the Khmelnytskyi Institute of Social Technologies of the University of Ukraine, (12), 113-118.
- Slozanska, G. (2017). Categories of clients of a social work specialist in a united territorial community. Youth and the market, (2), 68-73.
- Slozanska, G. I. (2017). Categories of clients of a social work specialist in a united territorial community. Monthly scientific and pedagogical magazine of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University “Youth and Market”. Drohobych, No. 2 (145), 68-74.
- Slozanska, G. I. (2017). Implementation of the position of a specialist in the provision of social services to the population in the conditions of a united territorial community: emerging difficulties. Bulletin of Luhansk National Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko. Starobilsk, No. 1 (306). Part 1., 264-276.
- Slozanska, G. I. (2016). Activities of a social work specialist to provide social services to the population in the territorial community. Collection of scientific works of the Khmelnytskyi Institute of Social Technologies of the University “Ukraine”, (12), 113-119.
- Spirina, T. P. (2021). Assessing the needs of vulnerable population groups in the context of the development of territorial communities in Ukraine. Materials of the 3rd All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation, 104-106.
- 28. Faydyuk, O. (2021). Peculiarities of providing psychological support to participants in hostilities in the conditions of the territorial community. Materials of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference on May 27-29, 2021, 146-150.
- 29. Chumak, M. A. (2022). Activation of the community in the field of providing social services. Recommended for publication at the meeting of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work of Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University (minutes No. 12 of May 24, 2022). Approved for publication by the Academic Council of Mykola Gogol Nizhny State University, 111.
- 30. Yantselovska, Ya. V. (2021). Social work in the territorial community: specifics, main directions and peculiarities in the period (Doctoral dissertation, Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovich).
- 31. Liakh, T., Spirina, T., & Klishevych, N. (2022). Social prevention of family dysfunction in the territorial community. Social work and education, 9(2), 245-255.
- Liakh, T., Spirina, T., & Lekholetova, M. (2022). Methods of assessment by the territorial community of its own needs. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: “Pedagogy. Social work”, (1 (50)), 178-181.
- 33. Palatna, D. (2022). Development of the social sphere in modern territorial communities. Social work and education, 9(1), 26-43.
Supporting literature and information resources
- Decentralization of power. (2016). [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
- Zhilenko, R. (2012). Participatory research as an approach in community social work. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. Series: Pedagogy. Social work, (25), 72-74.
- Kravchenko, o., & Kucher, H. (2021). Social work at the community level in pandemic conditions. University Scientific Notes, (4 (82)), 22-31.
4. Popova, A. O. (2016). The origin of social work with children in the local communities of the USA. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, (1), 41-49.
Lecture notes, plans for seminars and practical classes are protected by intellectual property copyright. The materials are available in the Moodle e-course. To access the materials, you must contact the author of the course directly.