Social prevention of deviant behavior
Type: Normative
Department: social pedagogy and social work
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
4 | 3 | Exam |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
4 | 32 | Associate Professor MARTIROSIAN Lesia |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
4 | 48 | Associate Professor MARTIROSIAN Lesia |
Course description
The discipline “Social prevention of deviant behavior” is intended for the second-year students of the first bachelor’s level of full-time and part-time forms of education. The subject of study of the academic discipline is: the social aspect of the phenomenon of deviant behavior; theories, essence, forms, types of deviant behavior; technologies of social prevention of deviant behavior.
The purpose of teaching the academic discipline is: formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of modern social technologies in future social workers, prevention of deviant behavior of minors
The program of the academic discipline consists of the following content modules:
Content module 1. Theoretical foundations of deviant behavior.
Content module 2. Prevention of deviant behavior of minors.
Recommended Literature
- Berezovska L. I., Yurkov O. S. Psychology of conflict : educational and methodological guide. Mukachevo : MDU, 2016. 201 p.
- Zolotova G. D. Social and pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior of minors : course of lectures. Luhansk : Publishing House of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University, 2008. 113 p.
- Korneshchuk V. V., Voloshenko M. O., Ollo V. P. Prevention and correction of deviant behavior of adolescents : educational guide. Kherson : Aldi Plus, 2021. 136 p.
- Maksymova N. Yu., Milyutina K. L, Piskun V. M. Fundamentals of child pathopsychology : educational guide for universities. Kyiv : Perun, 2019. 464 p.
- Ruschenko I. P. Sociology of personality and deviant behavior. Text of lectures for students of specialty 054 “Sociology”. Kharkiv : NTU “KHPI”, 2020. 130 p.
- Savelieva N. M. Social prevention of deviant behavior : course of lectures with a presentation of the educational guide. [for students and masters specialty “Social Work” and “Social Pedagogy”]. Poltava : PNPU, 2016. 110 p.
- Social prevention of deviant behavior. Educational content in an updated format / compiled by N. Savelyeva. Poltava : V. G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University, 2020. 182 p.