Pedagogy (mechanical-mathematical Faculty)
Type: Normative
Department: of general pedagogy and pedagogy of higher education
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
4 | 32 | Associate Professor Myshchyshyn I. |
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
4 | 16 |
Course description
The discipline is designed for students of the II year of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, majoring in “Secondary Education”.
The purpose of the course is: formation of students’ pedagogical thinking, mastery of knowledge, skills, etc skills of psychological and pedagogical analysis of the educational process, development
understanding of the essence of pedagogical activity as an organization of teacher interaction with students in a role equal subjects, partners.
The main tasks of studying the discipline “Pedagogy” are:
students mastering the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the pedagogical process;
modern educational space; basic didactic systems; methods, means and forms of training organization; philosophical foundations of modern Ukrainian education; formation of an adequate understanding of the processes of education and upbringing as pedagogical interaction of subjects of mutual activity; application of acquired theoretical knowledge in specific types of practical activities during pedagogical practice.
Recommended Literature
1. Bilyakovska O. O. Didactics of the secondary school. Lecture texts. – Lviv, 2011
2. Vishnevsky Omelyan. Theoretical foundations of modern Ukrainian pedagogy. Guide for students of higher educational institutions. – Drohobych:, 2003. – 528 p.
3. Kovalchuk O., Kogut S. Basics of psychology and pedagogy. – Lviv, 2009
4. Kovalchuk L. Fundamentals of pedagogical mastery. – Lviv, 2007
5. Moiseyuk N. E. Pedagogy. Tutorial. 2nd edition – 1999 – 350 p. 7. Podlasy I.P. Practical pedagogy or three technologies – K.: Ed. House “Slovo”, 2004. -616 p.
6. Fitzula M.M. Pedagogy: a study guide for students of higher pedagogical institutions of education. – K.: “Akademiya” Publishing Center, 2001. – 528 p. (Alma mater).
1. Volkova N.P. Professional and pedagogical communication: Education. village K., 2006
2. Hirnyk A., Bobryu A. Conflicts: structure, escalation, coordination. K., 2003
3. Hrabovska L.S. Ravchyna T.V. Conflicts without violence. Lviv, 2001
4. Zaichenko I.V. History of pedagogy. In two books. K., 2010.
5. Zayachkivska N.M. Content of education in secondary comprehensive school: Education. method. mater.-Lviv, 2001
6. Kovalchuk L.O., Kovalchuk O.B. Education system of foreign countries: Study guide. – Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing Center, 2003. – 136 p.
7. Kovalchuk O.B. Diagnosis of learning outcomes. Tutorial. Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing Center, 2004. – 153p.
8. Lubar O.O., Stelmakhovich M.G., Fedorenko D.T. History of Ukrainian school and pedagogy. Tutorial. – K.: “Knowledge” publishing house, KOO, 2003. – 450 p. – (Higher education of the 21st century)