Courses taught in English
Current subject area(s): Teacher Education | ||||
Status | Course code / number is the book:
“Professional Training of Primary School Teachers in Canada” Taught by: Lyubov Nos |
Acad. cycle | ECTS credits | Duration | Semester | Contact hours |
Master | 2 | 1 semester | Spring | 26 |
Year of study | Weekly lectures / seminars | Prerequisites | ||
5th | 2 | Philosophy, pedagogy, methodology | ||
Languages | Examination | Assessment | ||
English | Written pass/fail exam | 100-point scale |
Aims and objectives: to acquaint students with peculiarities of the organization of primary school teachers training in the universities of Canada
Intended capabilities: to have essential basics of the knowledge of historical development and modern state of primary and higher education in Canada, basic tendencies and peculiarities of initial school teachers training in universities of Canada, approaches applied by Canadian scientists towards standardization of pedagogical education, creation of teacher education programs, arrangement of students’ pedagogical practice as well as regulatory and legal provisions for primary school teachers training in the provinces of Canada.
Description: Peculiarities of primary teachers’ profession formation in Canada: historical aspect. The system of primary teacher preparation in universities of Canada. The organization of pedagogical practice of future primary teachers at Faculties of Education. The influence of the government educative structures of Canada on the professional development of teachers
Reading List:
- Нос Л. С. Професійна підготовка вчителя початкової школи в Канаді: навч. посібник / Любов Степанівна Нос .− Львів : Бібльос, 2012.− 93 с.
- Мукан Н.В. Неперервна педагогічна освіта вчителів загальноосвітніх шкіл: професійне становлення та розвиток (на матеріалах Великої Британії, Канади, США) : монографія / Наталія Василівна Мукан. – Львів : Львівська політехніка, 2010. – 284 с.
- Сasey С. Teacher education programs admitions criteria and what beginning teachers need to know to be successful teachers / Сasey С., Child R. // Canadian Journal of Education Administration and Policy. – 2007. – No. 67. – P. 1 – 24.
- Falkenberg T. Central Issues of Field Experiences in Canadian Teacher Education Programs / Falkenberg T., Smits H. // Field Experiences in the Context of Reform in Canadian Teacher Education Programs.- 2010.- P. 1-50 [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:…/Book%202009%20…
- Gambhir M., Broad K., Ewans M., Gaskel J. Characterizing Initial Teacher Education in Canada: Themes and Issues [Електронний ресурс] : [The International Alliance of Leading Education Institutes]. – Режим доступу:].
Current subject area(s): Teacher Education | ||||
Status | Course code / number is the book:
“English Children’s Literature” Taught by: Yuliya Derkach |
Acad. cycle | ECTS credits | Duration | Semester | Contact hours |
Master | 1 | 1 semester | Autumn | 18 |
Year of study | Weekly lectures / seminars | Prerequisites | ||
5th | 1 / 1 | Literature | ||
Languages | Examination | Assessment | ||
English | Written pass/fail exam | 100-point scale |
Objectives: to develop knowledge and skills in reading, writing and critical thinking; to give the ability to students to develop culturally and acquire knowledge of the best that has been thought and written; to encourage students to read widely; to prepare for teaching/reading literature working with pupils; to enable learners to read, interpret and evaluate texts through the study of English literature; to recognise and appreciate the ways in which writers use English to achieve a range of effects.
Intended capabilities: The students should be able to:
– have expertise in English literature for children
– read a wide range of children’s literature fluently and with good understanding, and make connections across their reading;
– read in depth and critically; discuss, evaluate and explain their understanding and ideas;
– develop the habit of reading widely and often;
– appreciate the depth and power of the English literary heritage;
– write accurately, effectively and analytically about their reading, using Standard English;
– acquire and use a wide vocabulary, including the grammatical terminology1 and other literary and linguistic terms they need to criticise and analyse what they read.
Description. The knowledge the students create in the course will give them a competitive advantage in their further studies and practical work. The course is conducted at the Education Department of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. It includes lectures, practical classes and workshops. Moreover, the students work/study individually fulfilling a kind of the most essential work – reading fiction works in English. The main material highlights the most prominent fiction works of English children’s literature taking into study Old English, Middle Ages and Modern English periods. The students are provided with the heritage of English literature learning to analyze fiction using generally accepted terminology.
Reading List:
- Abrams, M.H. Glossary of literary terms. 5th ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1988.
- F.W. Bateson and H.T. Meserole, A guide to English and American literature. 3rd edn. London: Longman, 1976.
- J.L. Harner, Literary research guide: an annotated listing of reference sources in English literary studies. 3rd edn. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1998.
- Cambridge History of English Literature writing.
- Oxford History of English Literature.
– Literature Resource Centre (LRC):
– Academic Search Complete: ;
– Literature in English subject guide:
– WWW reference resources:
– Primary sources research:
Current subject area(s): Teacher Education | ||||
Status | Course code / number is the book:
“Creativity & Innovation in Theory and Practice of Teaching” Taught by: Loboda Viktoriya |
Acad. cycle | ECTS credits | Duration | Semester | Contact hours |
Master | 1.5 | 1 semester | Autumn | 20 |
Year of study | Weekly lectures / seminars | Prerequisites | ||
5rd | 0.5 / 0.5 | Education Science, Instruction Methods
Optional |
Languages | Examination | Assessment | ||
English | Written pass/fail exam | 100-point scale |
Objectives: provide students – future educators – with knowledge and practical tools for developing and enhancing creative thinking during their teaching practice. This is achieved by familiarizing students with the theoretical/scientific understanding and practical techniques/tools that can be used to enhance their capacity in this field. Thus, the course includes both theory and practice – both reading/thinking and acting.
Intended capabilities: After the course, students are able to:
- understand and have developed insights in creativity and innovation – in theory and practice – both for individuals and groups/classrooms;
- plan, carry out and evaluate different strategies, methods and tools aimed at developing creative thinking;
- use various materials and intellectual resources creatively.
The knowledge the students create in the course will give them a competitive advantage in their further studies and practical work. Society today is looking for people who are creative and able to enhance creativity and innovations in their organization or in education environment in general.
Description. This optional course introduces creativity and innovation as a topic on the academic agenda and as a source for development and growth. The course is conducted at the Department of Special Education and Inclusion, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The course includes teacher driven lectures, practical classes and workshops. The students work/study in teams of 4-5 students. Each team uses insights, methods and tools of innovation and creativity and also practices some of the methods. Individually the students also present a paper (in oral and in written form) at a final seminar with their understanding/learning in creativity and innovation in the course with references to the course literature.
Reading List:
- Bessant J. Innovation and Entrepreneurship : A complete book on innovation science and practice and an introduction to entrepreneurship / John Bessant, Joe Tidd. – Wiley. – 2007.
- Bono E. How to have creative ideas – 62 Exercises to develop the mind / Edward de Bono. – Random House Publ. – 2006. – 180 p.
- Bono E. Serious Creativity. Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas / Edward de Bono. – HarperCollins Business. – 1996.
- Ferrari A. Innovation and Creativity in Education and Training in the EU Member States: Fostering Creative Learning and Supporting Innovative Teaching : Literature review on Innovation and Creativity in E&T in the EU Member States (ICEAC) / A. Ferrari, R. Cachia, Y. Punie // Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. – 2009. – 64 p.
- Kelley T. The Art of Innovation. Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America´s Leading Design Firm / Tom Kelley. – Currency Doubleday. – 2001. – 300 p.
Current subject area(s): Teacher Education | ||||
Status | Course code / number is the book:
“Basics of Intercultural Education” Taught by: Yulia Zadunayska and Viktoriya Loboda |
Acad. cycle | ECTS credits | Duration | Semester | Contact hours |
Master | 1.5 | 1 semester | Autumn | 20 |
Year of study | Weekly lectures / seminars | Prerequisites | ||
5rd | 0.5 / 0.5 | Education Science, Instruction Methods
Optional |
Languages | Examination | Assessment | ||
English | Written pass/fail exam | 100-point scale |